"Just don't tell anyone. Okay?" Zero looks at me almost with a plea in his eyes.

I nod, "Yeah. I'll keep it to myself. Don't worry."

I feel a sudden presence and pull out my bloody rose gun pointing it at the person's neck, "Who are you?"

I hear a low chuckle, "Another hunter?"

I look at the person who's a foot taller than me, "Shut up. Who are you?"

"Put your gun away, Everea. He's one of the night class students. I assume you overheard our whole conversation, Aido?" Zero pushes my arm down.

"Naturally," Aido smirks.

"Whatever, just leave." Zero grabs my arm.

"Hang on, let me put my gun away." I try to put my gun back into its holster as Zero drags me along behind him.

"See you around, Kiryu, and you too, cutie." Aido winks and then vanishes.

"So, that's one of the night class students? He seems like trouble." I let Zero drag me away.

"Yeah. He is." Zero continues to walk down the courtyard. I look up and see that the sun is beginning to set. "Ah... I have to go help Yuki with all the fangirls that line up at the gate every afternoon. Go to your dorm and don't come out till morning. For anything."

I sense the tone is serious, "Okay. See you in class, Zero."

I leave him to go help this Yuki girl and start to head off to the sun dorms. I sigh. Vampires. At Cross Academy. I wonder if dad knew... I wish he were still here to guide me through this...

I feel a tear escape my eye and wipe it away quickly, "Snap out of it Everea..."

I continue to walk, but with my head down and lost in deep thought.

I walk until I bump into something hard and fall on my ass. "Ow.."

"Oh, I apologize." I look up and see a tall boy with brown hair.

"It's no problem. I wasn't paying attention." I stand up and brush myself off.

"Are you truly okay? That was quite the fall." he looks at me gently.

"Yeah, I-'m fi-" before I finish my sentence I notice he's in a night class uniform and step back. "D-Don't come near me."

He looks genuinely surprised that I know the night classes secret, but he quickly recovers, "So you are the new student in the day class that Hanabusa told me about? The vampire hunter?"

I shakily take out my gun and point it at him, "Yeah, and don't test me. Vampire." I say, trying to make myself seem more fearless than I feel, even as my whole being is screaming to run.

I see another vampire jump out of the trees and rush towards the boy. "Lord Kaname-" she begins, but he puts a hand up to quiet her.

"I see. You're a pureblood." I say in disgust."You know. I've wanted to kill every last one of you bastards since I was very young." I scowl, "How could I give up the opportunity that's standing right in front of me...?"

"Seiren. Leave," he orders the girl.

"Lord-" she begins, but he waves her off and she leaves with reluctance.

"Do you honestly want to die?" I narrow my eyes and point my bloody rose gun straight at his heart, aiming assuredly, even as my hands begin to shake.

"Do you honestly believe you can kill me?" he says nonchalantly.

"I don't care what the odds are. I will kill every last one of you bastards." I feel the tears well, but I blink them away, thinking about Zero's kind mother and father, Ichiru, my own parents, and... even Albert.

Those blinks cost me. When I had my normal vision back he wasn't in my line of sight anymore.

"Where the hell?!" I scan the area, looking for the pureblood, but find only the trees and myself. "Damnit..." I sigh and put my gun back into its holster. "It's almost completely night. I guess I should get to the sun dorms before I get into trouble..."

I make it to my dorm and it turns out I don't have a roommate at all, "Nice. My own dorm room."

I change into an oversized shirt and underwear before I lay in bed for a solid hour before I drift off into a fitful sleep.


Kaname's POV

She hasn't changed... I sit in class distracted by my own thoughts until the teacher asks a question. I answer and then distract myself with my book. She's still the same fire spitting girl I met when we were very young.

Time skip/Morning

Everea's POV

My alarm starts to ring off the hook and I get up pushing the off button. "First day of school." I smile. I still couldn't believe they had so many courses I could take at the academy. Even a dance class. I knew how to dance, Albert had hired a dance instructor to come teach me when he noticed how much I loved doing it.

I change into my uniform, deciding to hide my bloody rose gun under my skirt instead of out in the open, and head out a little early.

The sun has just started to peak over the school building and I sit in the courtyard watching it rise while smiling.

I get a shiver and sense someone approaching. I hide behind the biggest tree I can find nearby and peek out from behind it and see Zero.

I sigh in relief and come out from behind the tree, "Hey Zero." I begin to walk over to him. He looks to be panting and I rush over, "Zero... Zero, are you okay?" I check for any wounds, but he seems to be unharmed.

"Go away..." he gasps out.

"Zero... What's happening?" I grip his shoulders tightly.

"Just, leave!" he yells at me and pushes me away.

"Why- What's happening?!" My eyes widen as I'm shoved onto my back, but I scramble onto my knees as he collapses onto the ground, and I hold one of his hands.

He pants heavier and then takes out some kind of pills and takes a couple.

"Zero. What are those?" I take them from him gently.

He seems to calm and his breath evens out, even as he retches all over the stones, "They're blood tablets." he looks to the ground as if he's ashamed.

"What do they do?" I inspect them closely, holding one out into the morning sun.

"They... They quell a vampire's thirst." he snatches them back from me.

I tense up, "Then why do you need it? It must taste like shit."

"Because... I... remember when we were attacked in my house as children?" he looks at me.

"Of course... how could I forget?" I shiver slightly.

"Well... that night... it was a pureblood who'd attacked us... I'm surprised she didn't find you... but she ended up biting me... and when you get bitten by a pureblood-"

I cut him off, "You die, or turn into a vampire yourself." I start to piece what he's saying together and stand up quickly. "You mean-?"

"Yes." he looks to the ground.

I shiver slightly, "Zero..." I fall back to my knees. "I'm so sorry... I had no idea you were suffering this whole time.. If I had known I would've come back..." I start to tremble and put my hands in front of my face.

"Everea... It's not your fault..." I hear him shift and then feel powerful arms encircling me. "Just calm down..."

I lean into his warmth and take deep breathes. "I'm okay now... Thank you, Zero." I grip his shoulders tightly, "I will get revenge. I will kill every last pureblood in existence." I feel the fire in my eyes.

He smiles and pushes up off the ground, "You do that." he reaches down and ruffles my hair, just like old times. "Get going to the sun dorm before 'they' come out."

I nod and stand up, "Zero... I'm serious about... what I said before." I stop walking for a moment not looking back, but then wave and walk off.

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