He crouched down to my level and looked into my eyes gently, "Hello. My name is Kaien Cross. What's your name?" He gently caressed my hair.

For some reason, I felt safe with this man and let him pick me up into his arms.

"I'm.... Everea..." he smiled a little trying to comfort me.

"What's your last name?" He walked over to a police car and started to place me inside, but I clung to him like he was handing me over to a hungry vampire.

"It'll be okay, Everea. These people will take good care of you." He smiled gently and I nodded, letting him put me in the car while he put a police jacket on me.

I sat in the back of the car with the door open when I saw Zero. I immediately jumped out of the car and ran over to him.

The people with him told me to stay back, but I pushed through them. I peered at his face and began to cry anew.

"I'm sorry..." I touched his face once more and then ran off to the woods never wanting to be contacted by this world again.

As I ran I heard people beginning to yell. I heard someone yell out, "She's gone!"

I knew they meant me, but I couldn't stay here. Not with everyone dead and I still alive.

I ran and ran until I collapsed in a clearing in the forest.

I heard someone walk up behind me.

"Are you alone, little girl?" I knew it was going to be a vampire before I even turned around.
I scrambled back. Eventually he grabbed ahold of me, but as soon as he did a gun shot rang out.
The vampire dropped and then turned to dust.

I looked, wide-eyed, towards where the bullet came from. There was a middle aged man standing there holding his gun to his side.

He looked down at me and then came over and picked me up taking me back to his cottage in the woods with him.

6 years ago

It's been 3 years since old man Albert took me under his wing. He never told me why he took me with him that day, but I'm grateful he did. He never expected me to go into town to get the supplies we needed and he only asked that I train really hard to become the best vampire hunter ever. And to take care of him as he got older, of course.

I trained hard all day. From dawn to dusk. And sometimes dusk to dawn, just to mix things up.
Whenever Albert went into town he gave me one of his bloody rose guns and told me to watch over the house until he came back. 

He never once doubted my skill. He always told me I would be a great vampire hunter when I was grown. 

He eventually asked me if I would be willing to be his daughter. He said we would have to go into town to get all the adoption stuff done, but it would be worth it, because then he could leave all his belongings, including the house, to me. Plus, he really thought of me as his daughter. I said yes and I even squealed like a girl and jumped up and down and hugged him.

The next day we went into town and he finally adopted me. He beamed the whole time and then we got to the part where I had to fill in my questions. I did fine until I had to fill in my last name.
I asked, "Can I leave my last name blank?" 

The person doing the paperwork with us shook his head and I sighed filling it in, Black.
The man gave the paperwork to his boss and an hour later I was officially Albert's daughter and my new last name was Yasui.

3 years ago

I'm now 11 years-old and Albert is getting up there in age. He can barely hobble around the house. So I've officially taken over going into town to get our supplies for the month and taking care of the cooking and cleaning.

Albert always gripes about how he wants to help out, but I always tell him to relax and not worry about it.

Albert has always home schooled me and I've always been very smart, but he wants me to go to school and make friends. 

I always shut him down, but he just keeps bringing it up. It's like he doesn't want me here anymore.

He keeps bringing up this specific school called Cross Academy and I keep telling him I'm fine here with him.

He tells me over and over that it's a wonderful school and that I should go when I'm old enough, but I don't want to. I want to stay here and keep watch over him.

He was sitting on the porch when he told me that me going to school, becoming even smarter, and making friends, and just being happy was his one and only wish in the world.

I looked at him and hugged him tight. "I am happy, dad. I have you."  

He just smiled sadly and got up going into the house.

1 year ago

Albert died on October 12. I was devastated. They said he died of a heart attack, because he tried to chop wood and overworked himself. I didn't know what to do with my life. Then I thought back to that day on the porch and remembered when he told me his one and only wish. I decided. I would go to that Cross Academy school like he wanted me too. I waited until it was close to my 14th birthday and packed most of my belongings, including my guns, and headed out to the city to get a lift to the academy.

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