Chapter 2

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(Lifeline POV) 

'Silva would have came and gotten me.. Right?' i thought to myself. I quietly opened my door to see if he was coming, and he was talking to the "She-Devil". I could not hear what they were saying, but then, they both walked away. I stood there in shock. "DAMN IT!" I yelled punching a wall, and that caused my knuckles to bleed. After a while, i walked out of the room staring at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. I was walking, and then i bumped into someone. That caused me to fall backwards. "Watch where you going" a low, gruff voice said. "Maybe you should watch where your going i mumbled. "What was that? You rat.." the voice said. I was silent. Just then, i felt ice cold fingers wrap around my neck and i was lifted up. I could not breath, so i started clawing at his hand to let me go. Around the time i was about to pass out, he dropped me to the ground. "watch. where. your. going. RAT" the voice said, walking away. I was trembling in fear, but i shook it off. I started walking to the cafeteria and went to the table full of food. At that moment, i felt the same coldness of the mans hand, touch my shoulder. "AH! I AM SO SO SORRY! PLEASE DONT HURT ME!" I yelled, dropping the plate i picked up, and covering my eyes. "Woah, what it wrong with you?" A female voice laughed. I looked at the ground, fist clenched at my side.

(Octane POV)

There was a commotion around the food table. I turned around in curiosity to see what was happening. To my surprise it was Che. I quickly got up. I saw Che running for the exit, luckily i was faster, and i got a hod on her ice cold skin that used to be warm. "What happening to you Che?" I ask her. She looked up with a weary smile, "I-im fine Silva!" She said. I shook my head. Then her smile melted away into a frown, then her eyes watered and now she broke down and fell into my arms. People stared, but obviously i did not care. My best friend was in pain. Once she stopped crying i helped her up and we both headed towards my room. Once we got in, we both sat on the bed. She told me everything that had happened. I gave her a very tight hug. We stayed hugging for a while. "S-silva.... W-wanna watch a movie?" She said, breaking the silence. "O-oh yeah! Sure!" I said. I trying to find a good movie to watch, and Che talked again. "S-so uh- d-do you like Wattson?" She stuttered. I froze. "Hahah! Good one Che! She is just a friend, although the other day she kissed me..." I said. I saw Che become less tense. She breathed in. "Silva i.. I-I-I L-LOVE Y-YOU SILVA!" She yelled. I was shocked. 'SHE LOVES ME! YES YES YES YES!' I thought to myself. I smiled. "I love you too Che." I said. I looked at her and slowly scooted closer and closer until i was right next to her. I took my goggles and mask off and lifted her chin up, making her face look up at at me. I kissed her. I saw her blush. 'I swear this is the best day of my life' i thought to myself. 

(Lifeline POV)

I cant believe he likes me back! Just then, and announcement happened, "Everyone, please meet up at the drop ship." The host said. "I think it would be best if we head over there now, dont ya think?" I asked him. He nodded and we both made our way down. Everyone was chatting until the host started talking, "Welcome all! Welcome to the Apex legend game. You may think your teaming up with your teammates, but think again. I decided to spice things up." There were groans and gasps from the crowd. The teams are: 

1- Revenent, Bangalore, and Mirage  2- Caustic, wraith, Octane 3- Bloodhound, Gibralter, and Loba 4- Fuse, Wattson, and Lifeline. 

I stared at Silva sadly. He came closed to me and took his mask off. He lifted my chin making me look up at him. He kissed me! In public! 'EEEEE' i squealed in my head. I went to go see my group and saw Wattson, "The She-Devil" and Fuse i-is t-that guys... 'Oh brother... We got massive problems here..." I mumbled. Both of them rolled their eyes at me. A loud voice boomed, "Fuse is jump master". From the corner of my eye, i saw him smile evily. We jumped out and he was leading us to death spot. Before i could fly solo we already landed there. I found a mozamique and a flatline. I was about to grab it until Wattson stole it. I heard gun firing so i ran to a nearby house and found a helmet and peacekeeper. 'its this or nothing' i thought to myself. I heard more footsteps and i got prepared to shoot until i saw it was Watson and Fuse. They were about to crouch next to me until they were both downed. I waited till the footsteps left and i patched them up. I stood up, "There, you should be good now." i said. That when more footsteps came. I quickly look behind me and saw Wraith and Caustic. They shot my arm and leg, and i fell to the ground. Then they ran out. "T-they s-should be g-gone now, you can h-help me." I told them as i tried to stand up and balance myself. They both laughed.. Why are they laughing? i thought to myself, but then i felt someone hit me, and everything went black....

(Wattson POV)

I knocked her out. It was fun. "Shes knocked out cold" I said smiling. I saw pull a chair over. He picked her up and sat her on the chair, and he went inside of some draws and pull out some duct tape. Then he taped her to the chair while i taped her mouth shut, and wrists together. We laughed as we exit, leaving her there to die. 

(Octane POV) 

"Hola Amigos, glad you caught up to me!" I said to Wraith and Caustic. "Did you finish them off?" I asked them. They both looked at each other. "Crap." They both said at the same time. I sighed. "Alright lets all head back there." I told them. We went back to that house and we were right outside the door. We held our guns up and nodded at each other and ran in. Thats when i saw her there. Almost dead from the amount of bullet holes in her body. "AJAY!" I yelled. 

Thank you all so much for reading Chapter 2!! Mean alot! Hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!!!!!! Byee!!!!!

(1163 words!) 

Next chapter will be posted in the next 5 days! Tomorrow is my birthday, so im gonna be busy!!!

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