The final prize shook her down to her core: 45.6 billion.

The crowd didn't seem so likely to give up now, although, of course, there were exceptions. One of the players had remembered the rules and pointed a specific one out: if the majority wanted to stop playing they would have to terminate the game.

The few masked men present lined them up to hold a vote to determine if the game would come to an end. The players gave no sign of objection to the men's orders. As chilling as their presence was, the things that made most people obedient were the rifles gripped tightly in their hands. And after the first game, people seemed to register that those firearms weren't just toys they flashed around, but real weapons to use against anyone who wasn't compliant.

A table with two round buttons was placed before them, one green and the other red.

The red lit up as the first player pressed it with his hand, and a number appeared on the board above.

The digits on the board changed as the players went on and voted. One moment green was winning, the next red took the lead.

It would be in vain to bet on one of the sides, for the result was impossible to predict. Only a mind reader would be able to guess which button the players would press. And Kai possessed no such abilities.

She impatiently waited for her turn, shifting her weight form one leg to the other. As she had expected, the players continued to keep their mouths shut. Either they were still in shock, or contemplating their choice, Kai didn't know. She, too, was busy considering her own decision.

The game, as frightful and menacing as it was promised a fortune Kai never could've dreamed of. There was just one risk: she could die trying to win. Though when she thought about it, she realized she wasn't afraid of death. If anything, dying sounded much more enjoyable like this, in an unknown place playing childhood games with deadly twists.

If Kai could choose a way to die, this would be it.

She just hoped there would be enough players who shared her opinion. Death was a better option than going back to the miserable reality of their lives.

There was a shuffle of movement to her right, a player moving forward to cast his vote. Shifting her eyes to the empty spot beside her, Kai was surprised to find 67 taking the player's place.

The girl's face was as impassive as ever, her eyes focused ahead. Hands placed in her pockets, she stood with the stillness of a stone statue.

Kai raised an eyebrow, "Which one will you vote?"

67 turned to face her. Her gaze seemed lazy, yet pierced Kai down to her very core, "Which one will you?"

Kai let out a breathy and shaky chuckle, "I asked first, so you have to answer first."

"Who made up that stupid rule?" 67 scoffed.

"Well, it's only fair. Considering you never would've asked first."

"Who said that?"

Kai raised her eyebrows high up, giving 67 an incredulous look, "Come on, you won't even tell me your name-"

"You don't need to know my name." 67 didn't give her much of a reaction. She just turned her head, casting her eyes forward instead.

Something had to be very interesting to capture her attention that much. But, when Kai followed her stare she found nothing but other players. 67 was probably trying to avoid her eyes.

Kai snorted in response, "It wouldn't hurt you to tell me."

67 looked unimpressed, but looked at Kai again nonetheless, "Why do you want to know?"

Her eyes pinned her to the spot she was standing in, and Kai didn't know if she would be able to move if she wished to.

She contemplated answering honestly, but 67 was starting to get on her nerves.

She didn't know why she wanted to know 67's name.

Maybe because she was so pretty it made Kai unable to look away. Maybe because she was merely interested in her. Maybe because she didn't want to call her by a number. Maybe there were more reasons than one.

"Why don't you want to tell me?"

"Because you don't need to know."

Kai rolled her eyes, turning away to look at the player pressing the red button a small distance from her. She placed her hands in her pockets, took a breath, then said, "I'll vote to continue playing."

Out of the corner of her eye she could see 67 snap her stare to her again, but could not see her expression. Whether she was shocked, or unmoved, Kai had no way of knowing.

She lowered her gaze, smiling slyly at the ground before she averted her eyes to 67 who she found already looking at her, "Now can you answer my question?"

"I'm not telling you my name."

Kai chuckled at her defensiveness. Was her name so important that she couldn't say it? Or did she just not trust Kai with it?, "I meant the other question." Kai clarified, watched as 67's eyes widened in realization, "Which one will you vote? I answered your question and you still haven't answered mine."

67 swallowed. Kai saw her stiffening, just a bit. But, the atmosphere around her remained as it was from the moment Kai had first seen her, cold and unwelcoming, "I want to continue playing."

Kai wondered silently, if she had anyone to go home to. Somebody more important to her than the money.

"Well, 67, if we do continue playing..." Kai gave her a smile, "I look forward to it. Maybe we'll play some game where I can beat you."

Before she could give an answer, 67's number was called. She started walking away, but Kai caught the ghost of a smile tugging at her lips. The smile that she had no doubt tried to keep from rising and had almost succeeded.

Kai felt her own lips tug more upward. If it was so important to 67 to keep her reputation of being cold then Kai wouldn't mention the little betrayal of emotion she saw. Though, she wouldn't forget it.

The smile, despite barely being there, was enough to make Kai want to see a real smile light up her face. And though it would definitely take a while to see that sight, Kai would try.

23. The masked man called her number after a while. It's your turn to vote.

Before she made her move, Kai cast a glance towards the other half of the white line, to those who had already made their choice – and met 67's eye. She was already looking at her from where she stood, and Kai feel her chest seize up with... something.

Her expression was odd, though Kai thought she could identify a hint of intrigue. She hardly knew the girl, but for some reason, she had a swelling urge to talk to her again.

Looking at her made Kai's chest feel like bursting. She wished to ask her for advice; to know her story. Why was she here? Perhaps they had more in common than they thought.

Don't be so ridiculous. As if she could help you in any way.

Tearing her eyes away from 67, Kai shakily walked towards the buttons. For each step she took, her breath wavered. It felt like a warning.

Her eyes drifted on their own accord towards the ceiling; resting on that ridiculous piggy bank and its sought-after contents, bathed in golden light. Shining, like the sun.

The players circled underneath the object, unable to keep their hopeful stares away from the enticing golden glow.

Like the earth revolved around the sun, people revolved around money. It was the remedy and the root of all problems.

Money made the world go round, people said.

Kai turned back to the buttons and lifted her hand. As she pressed down on her choice, the light illuminated her face with a radiant shade of green.

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