A/N - Information

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This is a Weasley twins/Severus Snape fanfic. It's a little outside of what I usually write, so stick with me on it. Severus is the submissive in the relationship, and the twins are both doms. This is obviously set in the Golden Trio era.

It may take me a while to update this story, as well as my handful of others, so bear with me as I apologize beforehand for it.

Also, questions:

Do you all want Dumbledore or Voldemort to be the villain in this story?

Do you want this to be a #weasleybashing?

Should only certain characters be bad? If so, who do you want them to be?

What other ships do you want me to include?

Do you have any plot ideas that you absolutely want me to include?

What things would you be hard against in this story?

What creatures do you want the twins and Snape to be?


Thank you for your time! Thank you for picking this story! For most of the questions, I will take all of them into consideration, but I will most likely do a majority vote rules kind of thing.

Thank you again! Love you all! Have a great morning/afternoon/night!<3

(Please comment on my stories. Seeing you all interact is usually the only serotonin I get throughout the day and you have no idea how much more motivated I am when you comment.)

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