•Chapter 2• |{Home Alone}|

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[The next day]
Red Son was walking around the halls due to boredom and his depressive state, trying to find any source of entertainment to take his mind off what happened yesterday, dragging his feet behind and having his head down. He kept walking until he bumped into his mother and father, grunting and shaking his head while looking up to what he bumped into, he saw his parents and immediately flinched and shook a bit from the surprise. "H-Hello mother, f-father...!" He said in a shaking tone, sounding afraid for what he might get back from them. His mother only gave him an annoyed look and a sigh, not wanting to deal with whatever he has to say, DBK looked down at his son in irritation, growling a bit before Red Son started to back away and quickly went in the opposite direction to his room. "He's still a scaredy-cat, no matter...maybe we could train him more dear, he does a need a little kick back into reality before going out there onto that city..." DBK agreed and only kept walking with his wife down the halls, chatting with her along the way. Red Son went back to his room and closed the door behind him, looking worse and more gloomy, he took off his coat leaving it on the floor and flopping face down onto the bed from the lack of sleep and dealing with his frustration, his hair messy and unkept. "Uuuuugh...." He groaned, looking up and then seeing a little ray of sunlight through the bars on his window, his got up and went to the window, looking curious and dragging a crate of his old inventions to the window and stepped onto the box, peeping his eye through the little slit in between the metal bars, looking out into the sunlight and seeing the city, it...MIGHT be a little destroyed, but the sight above it was gorgeous, his eyes widened as the sun reflected in them, him looking around more and seeing mountains, hills and green lands around him, "Was....the world always this beautiful...???" He thought to himself, then he decided to reach his hand out to feel the cool breeze flowing on his hand, it felt amazing, a small smile growing onto his face as he rested his cheek on his arm, and him wanting to see more.

"RED SON!!!" His father called, snapping the redhead out his trance at the sights and making him jump from being startled from his father calling him, he quickly got off the crate and pushed it back against the wall, getting his coat on and his hair back in shape and quickly putting on his glasses, stressing not to make his father impatient. "RED. SOOON!!!!" His father called once again, making the place rumble and Red Son shake a bit, him quickly rushing out the room and down the hall to his parents. Scattering past bots and accidentally sliding into the wall around the corner, a grunt escaping his mouth and him rushing downstairs to his parents. When he finally reached his parent's chamber, he could already sense they're anger, trying not to embarrass himself in front of them. "Son?" Asked his mother, "Y-Yes, Mother...?" He asked back in response, "We need you to make another invention for us, and make it NOT a failure this time! We have a schedule to going into the city and seeing the damage we've made thus far, you stay here and make the invention, we'll have one of your bull bots watch over you..." his mother said in confidence. Red Son already looked annoyed and asked back, "Why can't I go out with you???" Being here feels like I'm in prison, it's not fair that you two get to go out while I have to stay here and work.." he said back in an angry tone. "Because you need to focus son, you are strong but. not. FOCUSED! We thought leaving you to your inventions and work could help yo-" his mother said, but Red Son had beaten her to the conversation. "Help me??? Mother, out of all the things I do here, it's not just WORK I do here! I want to see what's out there too!" He responded in a growing anger.

"Excuse me? Red Son, dear, we are YOUR parents, we know what's truly best for you.." his mother replied, making Red Son more irritated and him growling a little before sighing and going back to keeping his cool. "Fine, I'll just stay here, WORKING my self away!" He said sarcastically, then him turning to go to his room but was called back by his father. "Red Son." DBK said in a cold tone, piercing the boy at the back of his head as he heard. Red Son immediately stopped and turned around, sweating a bit from the tension. "Y-Ye-Yes? Father??" He asked back, looking a little nervous as sweat dripped down his face. "Listen boy, we are your parents and you don't get to talk to us in that tone, now go to your room and try to make something more useful for us..." his father said coldly, making Red Son look in disbelief and shock. Red Son then looked a little angry at his father and stomped away, and a small enraged snarl leaving his mouth as he left their chambers. His parents then began to leave, shutting to two main doors behind them and bull bots guarding the doors right after. Red Son pushed open his door and stomped into the room, growing with rage and beginning to growl and mumbled in enraged gibberish and throw a fit. "Stupid...angdbhhhfg!!!" He screamed angrily, gripping onto his cheeks and his glasses looking crooked, him beginning to stomp around in a blinded rage while yelling and accidentally stomping on a broomstick, it swinging up and hitting his face, a loud bonking sound echoing through the room a loud ow coming after it. "OW!!! My FACE!!!" The redhead yelled, holding his face and backing away, him bumbling onto his shelves and a big book falling off the shelf and onto his face, the impact making Red Son flinch and yelp in pain. "AUGH!!! DANG IT!!!" he yelled again, falling onto the ground and feeling a bit dizzy from the impact, he then heard a small chirping sound, him looking up at the window while rubbing his head and getting up to the sound, him grabbing his crate and sliding to the window and getting on it to see what was making the noise. When he peeked through the metal bars, he saw a small bird chirping on the edge, it pecking for any food around. Red Son's eyes widened in admiration and he gently reached his hand out to the bird, the bird saw his hand and hopped onto the palm, pecking it gently, making Red Son amazed by the little creature and held it in his hand, resting his head on his arm and staring at it with amusement and amazement in his eyes, the feeling of being hit on the head completely leaving him. He chuckled a little and started to play with the bird, but then a bot slammed open the door, making Red Son flinch and scream, the bird flying away and the redhead quickly turning to the bull bot. "What on EARTH was that for bull bot 3?!" He asked in a fit of rage. The bot only stood there looking at him, then began to respond, "You have to start working on your inventions for DBK and PIF" the bot replied in a bot like tone. Red Son sighed as he got off the crate, kicking it back against the wall aggressively and opening it to grab some parts to use with the inventions and walking to his workplace. "Alright Bot 3, you can leave now?!" He said in irritation, the bot gave a small nod and left the room, slamming the door behind it. Red Som sighed and looked back at the parts to his inventions but then looked at the window, seeing the sun shining through and smiled a bit from when he saw the bird and felt calm from its presence.

With that, he looked back at his work desk and began to make another invention, a small smile on his face and feeling calm from the silence and peace.

[End of Chapter]

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