𝐶𝑎𝑛 𝑦𝑜𝑢 𝑗𝑢𝑠𝑡 ℎ𝑜𝑙𝑑 𝑚𝑒 𝑛𝑜𝑤// chapter 12

Start from the beginning

"no," Kate said, not at alarmed as the rest, "they're coming for them,"

she pointed at Daphne and Sam, Deena stared at her in disbelief.

"I say we put them in the hall, and end this shit now," she said, and Deena looked furious, like she was about to explode.

"what?" She said, practically on fire at this point, "no, we aren't putting them in the hall with the killer,"

"what other choice do we have , Deena?" Kate asked, "I'm genuinely curious, what brilliant plan do you have inside your head?"

"I don't know, okay?" Deena admitted, "but I know this is not the way, there has to be another way,"

Josh looked torn.

"no, she right," Sam said quietly from next to Daphne, " we are the only way,"

"for once I actually agree with Sam," Daphne sighed, "we have to die for this to end,"

"no, I'm not letting that happen," Simon said from the door, "I promised you Daphne."

"this is the only way, Simon," Kate said irritated.

"Josh," Deena turned to her brother, "we can't let them die,"

Josh didn't say anything but look at her defeated. Daphne grabbed Sam's hand and lead her to the door. Deena was screaming for them to stop, Josh held her back.

"daph," Simon lightly said, Daphne looked at him, "you don't need to do this, please,"

"I have to," she said, tearing her eyes from him, "there's no other way,"

Simon sighed in defeat, knowing there no way he could get her to stay, he hesitated before moving out from in front of the door, he watched with sad eyes as Daphne and Sam walked out. Kate closing the door behind them, Deena was still screaming her head off.

All noise was completely gone as the doors closed, sealing them from the others. Sam's hand gripped harder on Daphnes as they heard footsteps coming towards them.

"thank you," Sam said quietly, Daphne looked at her, " I mean for everything, I'm so sorry"

"It's ok," she said, eyes going wide as Tommy turned the corner, "thanks for dying with me,"

"anytime," sam smiled.

just as Tommy was about to swing his axe at the two, they were pulled back into the room.

"oh thank god," Daphne let out a breath she didn't know she was holding on, "I'm really not ready to die,"

"there's another way," Kate said, Sam and Daphne looked over at Deena and Josh who were in a panic at the phone.

"Apparently, there was a survivor at the camp," Kate began, "C. Berman, if she survived there's another chance for you guys,"

"fuck," deena yelled, "she's not answering"

Simon yelped as an axe hit the door that he was standing by, he rushed to keep it closed.

"She died," Josh realized,

"what? No the whole point is that she lived," Deena exclaimed moving over to read.

"she had to die before she lived," she realized, "we need to go,"

"where?" Daphne groaned, "there is no way out of here,"

Kate suddenly picked up a chair and threw it out a window, breaking the glass, "let's go" she panted,

they wasted no time climbing out the window and running.

They ran to the first place they could think of. The grocery store that Simon worked at.

ends with us// s. kalivodaWhere stories live. Discover now