Returning Home

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(A/N: The image above has a female OC but the reader is gender neutral in this story)

It was a bit past midnight. The moon brightly illuminated the wisteria trees that surrounded your humble house. There was barely any sound heard from outside except the occasional breeze that shook the trees and the constant sound of the water splashing in a distant stream.

Your lover, the flame pillar, Rengoku Kyojuro had been on a mission for the past few days, something that didn't let you get your proper sleep and explained why you were awake at this hour in the first place. People would usually drink tea to calm their nerves, yet you were drinking coffee which reminded you of your hometown, providing you some sort of comfort.

As you were lost in your thoughts about your childhood home, you were suddenly brought out of your contemplative state by the sound of the door unlocking. You silently bolted towards the entrance to make sure it wasn't an intruder, relaxing almost immediately when you caught sight of very distinct fiery locks.

"Kyojuro," you called to out him. He paused for a second before turning around, "Dearest, you're awake," he said smiling gently as he removed his haori and boots. 

You noticed how his smile wasn't as bright as usual and his posture wasn't as straight. He was noticeably exhausted. You quickly scanned his body in search of any bleeding wounds, but found none. Approaching gently, you kissed his forehead, whispering a "come on", and led him to the nearest chair. He sat down, leaning his head back with his eyes closed, letting out a long sigh. 

"Kyo, do you have any injuries?" you asked, voice slightly wavering with worry. Kyojuro noticed this of course, "Don't you worry, my sweet flame. I only have some light scratches and bruises, nothing to worry about." He lifted his hand to your cheek, cupping it and caressing it with his thumb. His hand then traveled to your arm, gently pulling you to sit on his lap. 

You hesitated slightly in leaning against him, not wanting to cause him any pain, but the Flame Hashira held you against him anyways. He kissed your temple and buried his face in your hair. Lifting your hand to his face and caressing it, you asked, "Kyo, do you want to tell me about the mission?"

Kyojuro lifted his head to look at you and held your face with his hand. "Well, the mission consisted of investigating a cave near a town that had reported multiple disappearances of people. Of course, the cave turnout out to be crawling with demons. There weren't any particularly strong ones, but they easily outnumbered us. Luckily, there weren't any casualties."

"I see. Thank goodness. I'm glad you were able to return safely," you said. He chuckled, "But of course! I couldn't leave the light of my life worrying for too long now~" he exclaimed in his usual demeanor as he connected his forehead to yours. 

It didn't matter the years you've spent by Kyojuro's side, his complements, nicknames, and actions he used to demonstrate his love for you always left you blushing... just like right now. 

He leaned back, smiling at your blossoming cheeks, and titled your head up to him. You had a feeling as to what his motives were so you positioned yourself properly to straddle him. Kyojuro wasted no time in connecting his lips to yours. One hand was at your back while the other rested on your thigh, squeezing from time to time. Your hands found themselves entangling in his soft fiery locks. Kyojuro felt the stress from his mission slowly melt away. 

As he kissed you, he opened his eyes slightly to gaze at your still flushed form, something he does more often than you think. Firstly, to make sure you aren't uncomfortable and secondly, to see your flustered face which he finds absolutely irresistible. He loves to see the effect he has on you.

Kyojuro closes his eyes and lightly traces his tongue against your lip, yet pulls back before you can respond. You looked up at him, about to question him when he suddenly uttered, "Umai."

You hummed questioningly at him.

He let out a chuckle while caressing your thighs and booped your nose with his own. "You taste like coffee, love." (A/N: mans loves him some thighs 🤣 you can't blame him)

Your blush now reached your ears as you were about to cover your face out of embarrassment, but Kyojuro held your hands back. He leaned in and kissed you again, licking your lips. "Umai~" he whispered against your lips as he continued. 

You finally managed to give him full access to your mouth. He hummed in delight as he eagerly explored, holding you tighter against him. He kissed with such an unrivaled passion that it never failed to leave you lightheaded. Your lips moved against his own tenderly, wishing the moment would last longer. 

Of course, you knew that couldn't be. he was still visibly exhausted from his mission after all. You leaned back from the kissed and kissed his nose. "Come on, let's get you cleaned up. You need to rest." Kyojuro made a cute pout, signaling he wanted to continue. 

"Hmm, maybe after you've rested," you responded. 

You held Kyojuro stand up, but he took you by surprise  and stole a kiss from you. "Umaiii~"

"H-heyyy!", you stuttered, "I said after you've rested." Kyojuro only smiled triumphantly as you led him to the bathroom to clean his wounds.

After that, you were both in pijamas, ready to go to bed. Usually, when Kyojuro was home, you would sleep facing the other, your head would be near his chest, and his head would be above yours. This time, you decided to do it the other way around. You made Kyojuro lie down first. As you lied down, you positioned his head near your chest and your head over his head. Kyojuro's cheeks suddenly turned a dusty pink as he realized the position he was in. He gazed up at you with his golden sunset eyes. 

Your motive for positioning yourself like this was quite simple. It was easier for your hands to access his hair this way. Your fingers intertwined with his flamey hair as you massaged his scalp in the way you knew made him sleepy. He moaned at the feeling, absolutely melting at your touch as he cuddled closer to you.

"I love you." he mumbled.

You paused, kissing the top of his head, "I love you too."

He smiled gently before closing his eyes and in few minutes, you felt him go limp. He was asleep. You took a glance at him, admiring his peaceful features before falling asleep yourself. 

(A/N: I do not own the images used! Please, feel free to vote. Thank you for reading.)

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