Secret Notes

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As soon as you enter So Brewed Cafe, you are immediately greeted by the fragrant smell of coffee and pastries, as well as the smile of your favorite barista - Stell.

You just wandered into their cafe by accident. You were only looking for somewhere peaceful when you stumbled upon So Brewed Cafe. After you tried their products, you immediately fell in love with them, as well as for their barista. Ever since then, you became a regular, with Stell always making your order.

As an instructor in psychology, you can tell that Stell is shy because of how he acts. He only gives you a nod, a smile, or a frugal answer every time he takes your order or when you greet him.

"Hello, Stell!"

"Hello, Miss Mora, creamy ice coffee, right?"

"Yes. Thank you."

When you arrived at your favorite table, you noticed a note on it. You picked it up and read it.


Hi Mora! I know it's your favorite spot. Have a nice day.

'Who would give it to me?' You asked yourself. You looked around you and saw that no one would possibly leave a note for you.

You just ignored it, thinking it was just a prank, and continued to type on your laptop while glancing at Stell, who is smiling while quietly making coffee, once in a while.

A few months have passed, you still received secret notes without knowing who they came from. You tried to use your observation skills to catch who might be the secret sender, but only Stell is the one who gives off the vibe. You wanted to find out now, so you tried to ask Stell.

"Excuse me, Stell?"

He stopped at what he was doing, obviously surprised at your sudden call. He slowly turned around.

"What is it, miss?"

"For several months now, I have been receiving secret notes on the table where I often hang out. I'm just wondering if you can see or know who it is?"

He smiled slightly and scratched his neck.

"I'm sorry, miss, I don't notice who is leaving the paper on your table."

You just nodded and thanked him before returning to the seat. You were disappointed but not surprised. His action just added to the suspicion that he's the one sending you the notes.

If you are right, that would be a good thing for both of you since you also like him. The only problem now is how to make him confess that he's the secret sender.

You suddenly come up with an idea. You quickly texted your friend and co-worker, Jasper, about your plan to lure out the sender of secret notes.

The following day, you and Jasper were outside the cafe, going over the plan one more time.

"Are you sure this is going to work?"

"Oh, come on. You're also a psychology professor. You should know how people think and act."

Once you entered the cafe, both of you went to the counter where Stell is currently busy preparing.

"Hi, Stell!"

"Hello, miss-" he immediately stopped once he saw that you were with someone. He quickly composed himself and said, "This is the first time I saw you with someone, miss."

"Ah yes. This is my boyfriend, Jasper."

You don't know if you imagined things, but you saw shock and sadness in Stell's reaction for a while. It made you smile inwardly since it means that your plan is working.

As soon as he got your orders, he quickly turned his back.

You excitedly told your observations to Jasper, who only gave you a small smile and a curt nod. Once you reached the usual table, you noticed that there was no note.

"Huh. That's weird. There's no note." You remarked.

"Maybe he decided to stop?"

"Why would you think that way? Don't you want me to finally get a boyfriend?"

"I do, but," he breathed deeply before muttering the words you didn't expect to hear.

"It would be better if that someone is me. I like you, Mora."

"Jasper, I-"

"I wanted to confess before I lose my chance."

"I'm sorry Jasper," you looked away from him. "I only see you as my friend, nothing else. I hope you respect that."

He could only watch as you stood up and walk away from him. What Jasper said made you so distracted that you didn't notice you bumped into someone.

"I'm sorry I wasn't looking."

"It's fine, miss Mora. At least your coffee wasn't spilled." He smiled at you. "I was about to give these to you and your boyfriend."

"Actually-" you stopped midway when you noticed something fell on his pocket. Something so familiar to you. You shakingly picked it up, and once he saw what it was, he started to get sweaty, and his cheeks turned red.

You read it before he can even get it back from you.


Hi, I'm Stell, the one who makes you coffee every time. I like you.

You couldn't help but laugh. He looks taken aback by your reaction, clearly not expecting that reaction from you.

"I knew I was right."

"About what?"

"About you being the secret sender."

"You knew all along?!" He blushes harder and hangs his head low. "Ugh, I'm such an idiot. I hope your boyfriend doesn't get angry with me."

"He's not my boyfriend. We only acted as a couple to lure you out."

He looks so dumbfounded with the information.

"It didn't go exactly as planned, but...." You stared directly into his eyes. "I still got the results I wanted. You."

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