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( hi dear readers, as you know this is my first time making a story, I hope you like it. Enjoy reading (◠‿◕)

(Y/n) pov:


"(Yawn) good morning Mayet"

I got up from my bed to take a shower and after I'm done I changed into my uniform and brush my hair.

I then go to the kitchen to make something for breakfast and prepare my lunch box, I then see my cat Mayet coming closer so I poured some milk into it's drinking bowl and some tuna at the other bowl.

"Here you go Mayet some tuna and milk" I then finished my breakfast and I then brush my teeth.

(Time skip at school)

I am now at the school hallway but since it's still early I skipped to the library to read some books.

(At the library)

I entered the library and now I am finding which book to read, then something caught my interest.

"A tailoring book? Hmm... I think I'm gonna read this" I then sit on the chair and begin to read, a few minutes later
it's almost time to get to class but I still want to read the book, so I get to see the librarian so I can borrow the book.

" Um?" I started.
"Oh? Back again dear?" The librarian said.

"Y-yes I like to borrow this book please" I then heard something I didn't expect "oh? Your interested in tailoring?" The librarian said "y-yeah I
like t-to learn in m-making outfits" I spoke shyly "will dear I like you to keep to book" I look to the librarian in surprise " b-but-" the librarian then cut me off " don't worry dear, go now it's almost time for class" the librarian said and smiled at me "thank you" I said "your welcome dear".

(Time skip at the hallway)

I walked happily at the hallway but it didn't last look when they started to whisper.

"Hey isn't that (l/n)?"


"I heard she doesn't have any friends"

"They said when you are close to her she's gonna curse you"

"Eeeh?!?! Why though?"

"I don't know! Bit they said she's a bad
luck an-"

"Shh!! Here she comes"

I felt like crying but I held it in, I then see the front door of our classroom so I opened it and then go to my sit ignoring their whisper's and luck is on my side because the bell rings signaling that it's time for class.

(Time skip at lunch)

I sat alone in the tree eating my lunch and after I continued to read the book a few minutes later I finally finished the book just in time the bell rings signaling that it's time to go inside the classroom for the class to start.

( Time skip after class)

It's now time to go home so I speedily get off my set and got my belongings into the bag and go to the door I then skipped at the hallway and ignored all the whisper's about me because I know it's fake, the teacher's even lectures them but they didn't listen, only stop when some teacher's will walk past them.

Now I'm at the road walking in a normal pace but then I remembered that I didn't have any food left so I skipped to the store to buy some food.

After I finished buying some food I again skipped at the road while thinking what anime I'm gonna watch when I get back, but then I stopped when I see a child chasing for the ball and his mother screaming at him to stop, I then look at the road then realize that there's a truck coming in fast pace at the child that's why the mother of the child is screaming to stop and comeback, so me without thinking give my grocery to some stranger and running at full speed to the child and push the child to the side and take the impact.


"Call an ambulance!"

"Someone call an ambulance!"

The mother of the child shouted

"Please don't close your eyes! Miss Don't close your eyes! I'm begging you!" She told me.

"So-so-rry b-but..... I c-cant any... more" I then fell something warm drop at my check, I realize that she's crying.



She cry......'

"Thank you for saving my son miss?"

"(Y-y/n) (l-l/n)"

"Thank you"

"Your... your wel-come..."

"Your really beautiful miss!"
Her son said, I smiled warmly at them.

"Thank you....." Then everything went black.

'ha? Where I'm I? I thought I died?'

"Your at my realm my dear"

"Ehhh?!? Who are you?" I said in surprise.

"Oh, how rude of me, I'm Destiny nice to finally meet you in person (y/n)"

"O-oh n-nice t-to m-meet y-you t-too"

"Now let's get to the point, I'm here to reincarnate you (y/n) and also to grant you a wish because of your heroic rescue"

"W-why though?" I asked

"That's because you aren't suppose to die in that incident." Destiny said and made some paper, pen, table, and chair appear out of thin air.

"Now write your wish at that paper"

"O-okay" I then started writing.


1.have the Byakugan and the sharingan (including the mangekyo)
2.to have the dark boots
3.know all the breathing techniques
4.know all the ninjutsu, taijutsu, kenjutsu, genjutsu, medical ninjutsu.
5.to have a magic wand.
6.have a yin release.
7.have Mayet with me but has a power like kirara.
8.can regenerate
9.can turn small or a child
10.some magical books and non-magical books.

1.have all the chakra nature
12.have a large chakra reserve
13.have lot's of empty summoning scrolls
14.have an ability to summon some things to the modern world
15.strength and flexibility

I then give it back to Destiny the paper.

"This is all?" I then nodded.

"I hope you enjoy your adventures"

Just as Destiny said that I feel sleepy.

Fun fact about (y/n):

So if your wondering how does she have money, will the readers parents are the one that giving her money because the readers parents at this story is in business that is far away to where they live.

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