Elderbug, the village elder

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You immediately decide to take the elder with you. He lived a tough life; born after the Infection, saw everyone he loved leave, either in death, or disappeared.

You didn't want to dwell on these thoughts. You wanted him to be happy.

"Good morning, Elderbug. Do you have time to go on a picnic with me?"

The elder looked worried. He was always seemed to worry.

"I'm assuming that we will be leaving the village? Will we be safe?"

"Don't fret, sire. I'm prepared for this. We won't be going far." You assure him.

"Well, in that case, alright. I'll join you."

And with that, both of you start walking. The 'trek', if one can even call it that- was quick and easy.

Dirtmouth is surrounded by mountainous terrain, with Crystal Peak to the east and King's Pass to the west.

When you negotiated a peace treaty with the Radiance, you ended decades of suffering for the survivors of Hallownest.

Lady Hornet, the next in line for the throne and crown, had placed you in charge of Dirtmouth, and the first thing you did was repair the bridge connecting the village to King's Pass.

"Mr. (L/N)? Are you alright?"

A concerned voice brings you back to reality. You smile at Elderbug.

"I'm fine. I was just thinking about the peace treaty.

"Ah, yes. I still don't know who you negotiated with, but I do know that the Infection disappear shortly thereafter."

The downfall of the original kingdom is an utter mess. You remember that Elderbug doesn't have complete knowledge about the Radiance. Doesn't matter, you think. Today, you were going to relax.

You look at your surroundings. You are in the area just by the Lifeblood cocoon.

"Sire," you say, "I believe this is a good place to stop and eat.

Elderbug nods, and you place a mat on the ground. You set up the portable stove, bring out the MRE box, and place the water bottles on the mat.

You signal at Elderbug to sit.

You start preparing the food. First, you take the camp stove and light it.

"I have never seen such a device," Elderbug comments, "Is this a human invention?"

"Yes, sir. This stove served me well when I went hiking in the past."

Usually, MRE meals are heated up by adding water to the meal packet and activating a heating pouch.

However, using the stove usually cooked the food more evenly, you thought.

Elderbug watched with interest as you boiled the water in a pot. You were going to add the powdered soup mixture when the water was boiling.

While you wait for the water to boil, you and Elderbug chat and observe the surroundings.

"The Lifeblood cocoon is a very vibrant blue, isn't it?" Elderbug observes.

You nod.

The familiar sound of boiling water reaches your ears. You smile and add the sachet of soup powder. You offer the elderly bug the wooden spoon, and he mixes the soup.

The soup is now ready.

You internally celebrate as you pour the soup into cups for you and Elderbug.

Elderbug takes a sip and smiles.

"Since when have I last ate with someone else? It must have been a very long time..."


You decide to hug him. As you wrap your arms around him, you notice he freezes, but gradually melts into the hug.

"Thank you. You have made my day." Elderbug says.

You smile. Today has been a good day.

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