Last Digidestined: Blaire and Dorumon || Chapter 13

Start from the beginning

One of the Digimon swoops down and flies away, nearly running into the group.
"What the heck?!" Jake says.
"What was that about? That Digimon almost hit us!" Terriermon says.
"Sorry about that..." Wizardmon says. "Those Pipismon are a bit rowdy at times, but...Overall, they've got good hearts. They used to live in the forest, but they too are taking refuge here for now...Among others." Everyone continued walking in silence for a bit, nearly reaching Wizardmon's house in the close distance.
"I have a question for you all..." Wizardmon says. "By any chance does the name...Blaire sound familiar to any of you?" Everyone exchanged confused glances, all nodding no.
"No...Is she another one of the Demondestined?" Lily asks.
"No...She's a Digidestined, actually." Wizardmon responds. "She arrived here earlier with her friends after getting attacked by some other Digimon...Her and her partner were actually looking for other Digidestined, so I'm sure she'll be happy to see you all. She's at my house too." Everyone exchanges surprised glances, as they finally arrive at the house, a big, beautiful, two floor wooden cabin. They walked inside, entering a just as beautiful living room, which was empty.
"Hey, Blaire!" Wizardmon calls to the stairs. "I found some friends for you outside! They're other Digidestined!" Immediately then, the upstairs door quickly flings open...

 "I found some friends for you outside! They're other Digidestined!" Immediately then, the upstairs door quickly flings open

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As a little girl, next to a Digimon, run down the stairs in a rush, freezing when she sees the group

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...As a little girl, next to a Digimon, run down the stairs in a rush, freezing when she sees the group...Before a huge smile forms on her face.
"Oh my gosh, yes! I knew I'd finally find more Digidestined!" Blaire giggles, suddenly enveloping Blaine in a hug. "Mister, your sword is super cool!" She says.
"Uh, it's actually called a katana..." Blaine responds, smiling awkwardly.
"Woah...Terriermon, is that you?" Blaire's partner Digimon curiously eyes Terriermon, who smiles widely at him. "Yeah, it is me! You must be Dorimon then, right?" Terriermon asks, the Digimon chuckling,
"Yeah...But you can call me Dorumon now." Everyone then happily introduces themselves to one another.
"So..." Blaire smiles at the group. "Did you all also come here to hide from the Demondestined?"
"Yeah..." Jake says. "We had to rest for a bit after fighting a bunch of them."
"Me too." Blaire nods. "Those Demondestined are such jerks! Especially Elijah!" Blaire pouts.
"Elijah? We haven't met him yet!" Veemon says. "What's he like?"
"He's super mean!" Blaire states. "And scary...He almost destroyed me and my friends! And he...Took my Digivice as well..." Everyone was surprised by this statement.
"He stole Blaire's Digivice, and brought it to the Forrest Hospital..." Dorumon says.
"Forrest Hospital? Where is that?" Kudamon asks.
"That's a hospital, just outside of this forest...On the other side of it." Wizardmon chimes in.
"Yeah...Elijahs been hoarding other treasures inside of that hospital too!" Blaire states. "At the top floor! We tried going there with my friends to get it back, but...There was something wrong with the Doctimon there. They were too powerful for us to defeat, so we had to leave...And then we got chased by the Demondestined into the forest. We eventually lost them, and had to hide in this village..." Everyone was silent, taking in all this information.
"Geez...I can't believe how much of a jerk that Elijah kid is!" Lily says, crossing her arms.
"Blaire, you said you had some friends..." Blaine says. "Who are they?"
"Oh yeah! The two of them are some of my Digimon friends...Who all helped me when we first arrived in the Digital World!" Blaire says. "I would've been doomed if it wasn't for their help! They're upstairs if you wanna meet them..."
"Uh, maybe later..." Blaine responds.
"Hey, wait a minute..." Logan says. "How were you able to get to the Digital World, Blaire?" He asks.
"Oh, um...I remember me and Dorumon went to my dad's computer to play some games..." Blaire says. "...And I think some portal or something sucked us up? And it brought us here...I don't remember it that much..." Everyone exchanges glances, thinking...As Blaire's face suddenly falls to sadness, running forward and hugging Blaine again.
"Oh, I really want my Digivice back! I want Dorumon to be able to Digivolve again..." Blaire whimpers. "Can you all please help me get my Digivice back?"
"Hey, don't worry Blaire..." Jake smiles at her. "We'll get your Digivice back!"
"Heck yeah we will!" Allison agrees.
"Whoa...Really?" Blaire says, releasing her hug.
"Yeah...You're a part of this team now, Blaire." Blaine says, smiling. "And we promise, we'll get your Digivice back." Blaire smiles widely, happily jumping up and down, everyone feeling happy and determined.
"For now though, you all can rest here as long as you want..." Wizardmon says. "Stay here, or look around the village...Whatever you'd like."
"Ooh, I'd love to look around the village and go for a walk!" Jake says, a few others nodding in agreement.
"I think I'll stay here." Allison says. "I wanna meet Blaire's friends." A few people agree with her...As everyone walks into different directions, doing their own thing.

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