
"Leave me alone."

"Come on, breathe-"

You spin on your heel, anger now directed square at Loki.

"All I want to do is go home!" you tear into him, turning to eye Sylvie harshly as well, "A-And now we're stuck! We're going to die here! And both of you are bickering about Gods and missions as if this isn't it! We're done! This is the end! That TemPad was our only shot!"

The two of them are silent.

Loki swallows thickly.

Sylvie kicks the dirt.

You watch them for a moment longer, then storm off to a cropping of boulders off the tracks.

"I - C'mon, now," Loki's voice is the most tender you've ever heard it as he watches your expression; his hip is pressed to yours and his long legs are bent and he's leaning his arms on his thighs. He's worrying his palm, "You may just rip my heart out if you keep up the crying."

You ignore him. You sniffle.

Loki inhales, and wets his lips. "If you're not going to talk to me..."

"I'm not."

"Right, well," he exhales and slumps his shoulders. His eyes find the horizon, "Then perhaps you'll listen?"

Your eyes dart to him for a fraction of a second, and you find he looks sad.

"Will you?" he asks.

You realize he's upset. Not just... sad. But, genuinely, truly upset.

"You've said one thing, this entire time - the only thing you've uttered a complaint about," he breathes out in disbelief, "And it was going home. It's all you wanted. And I've ruined that."

That sits between the two of you.

You swallow down the bitter retort sitting on your tongue in favor of a moment's breathe - you try to see that he's apologizing. You try to see that he's admitting his fault, he's acknowledging his mistake. You know, deep down, that alone is a leap for Loki. And yet... you're still wallowing.

No amount of apology would fix this.

" i missed my home"

" you are not close with agent ramanoff and stark "

"i was never close to them "

"I wasn't ready for all this."

"I... I don't think anyone is ever ready for something like this," Loki mutters, "I mean, c'mon? The TVA? Time-Keepers? Even you - and you're a strong women."

You scoff. "I'm not strong."

"Yes, yes you are," he affirms as he speaks to you, "I've seen it - you're... You're magnificent. Stop giving me that look, I mean it. Mobius said, what, you... you are assassin?"

"Almost?" he laughs himself, smiling as he stretches his legs out and watches you, "C'mon. I am. A little bit. It's the charm."

You shake your head and toss another pebble. "Is it now?"

"The other-you liked the charm," Loki tosses out, "At least I think she did. From what I saw."

You roll your head to the side and look at him. "...Yea?"

"Oh, yeah," he insists with furrowed brows, "I'm sure my... uncanny ability to go and ruin everything is different in that life."

"Or," you shirk, "I'm just there to fix it all."

"That I don't doubt at all, my little witch."

"I can't believe I'll never know."

Loki blinks at you, tilting his head. "What?"

"I'll never know what I was like when I was in love."

Loki swallows down a roll of sudden, and rather terrifying, realization that he knows exactly how that feels - and the horrifying pity that plies his mouth full of cotton. Words of comfort are lost. He can only look down at the ground and slip his eyes shut.

Finally, he speaks.

"It was beautiful, you know."

You look at him.

He continues. His voice is hoarse. "All of it - you and I... I only wish you could have seen how perfect you looked."

You see a flash of something in his eyes.

He sits up a bit straighter.

"The Ark."

You blink.


Loki inhales through his nose and gathers his legs beneath him as he pushes up to stand - and suddenly he's helping you up and nearly pacing as he waves his hands. "The Ark."

Sylvie, from a far rock, chimes in. "The ship never makes it off the planet."

"Yes, well, it never had us on it."

i' m adding memes based on the stories

i' m adding memes based on the stories

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words : 1103

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