Chapter 2

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        It's been a few days since Echos interaction with the militant from the beach, tonight she was hoping to see him again, a part of her felt drawn into the danger she knew he was apart of. In this world all she would seek out is a thrill, something she lacked in the real world. She would work, go home, sleep, repeat, but in this world there was something thrilling about waking up everyday completely uncertain if you would survive the day or not.
      Echo was very confident in her skills, however, so she didn't feel the need to worry about whether or not she'd complete a game, she was good at it, so the unknown about the man she'd seen was like a new thrill she wanted to seek.
        She entered the arena of the new game she decided to participate in that night, her visa wasn't up yet, but she wanted something to do. She picked up a phone that sat on the white podium in the waiting room. She smirked as she saw one of the men she recognized as a militant at the beach, he held a scar similar to hers on his eye except his was cleaner and he wasn't blind in the eye.
     His eyes locked with hers and he held a look of knowing, as if he'd seen her before, but Echo ignored it appearing bored as other contestants entered the arena, the pierced man among them. He looked her up and down but Echo pretended not to notice, he licked his lips and she saw the tongue piercing he was probably desperate to show off. She rolled her eyes and locked eyes with the device held in her hands.
       "I'll protect you, sweet cheeks" the man spoke, with glinted eyes, smirking down at her as he walked closer to her slowly. Echo looked up slowly, her eyes locking with his, he seemed surprised when he saw her face, "I think I'll manage on my own, baby." She replied, showing the piercing she had on her own tongue, a bar through the tip, as she licked her lips.
      The man laughed in delight, clearly not expecting her boldness, as Echo assumed most women fell at his feet either in fear or seduction. "You're a bold one, aren't you?" He asked, mostly himself, not truly expecting an answer from her. He reached out to touch the scars than ran along her eye, which was a huge mistake on his part, Echo slapped his arm away from her face and bent his arm back behind his back, pulling her knife out in one swift motion and held it to his neck. "I wouldn't do that, if I were you." She whispered into his ear quietly.
        If the man was scared he didn't appear it, and she assumed he wasn't because she took him as a man who wasn't truly afraid of anything. She let him go and placed her knife back into her sheath at her thigh, aware of the other players watching their exchange. The man chuckled huskily, looking down at her, his eyes glinted in what Echo almost recognized as adoration. "Niragi, leave the girl alone." A female voice spoke up from beside the scarred man, probably another militant, Echo expected. Niragi looked over his shoulder at the girl, annoyed, "You aren't my keeper," he told her before leaning against the wall with his head back in boredom.
       The girl that stood beside the buff man with the scar appeared jealous as she glared at me standing next to Niragi. Echo smirked at her as the Robotic voice spoke indicating the game was beginning to start. "Registration closed, there are currently 21 participants, difficulty six of spades, game title: Jungle Beast Hunter," it spoke emotionlessly, Echo smirked widely at the game title. Niragi raised a brow at the girl his own sadistic smirk playing on his lips. "Clear the game by defeating all of the beasts, Game over if all participants are killed by the predators, time limit 1 hour."
      Echo took off towards the amusement park looking for a high vantage point to see the entirety of the arena and to stay away from the beasts. As she entered the arena a wolf ran at her full speed, she side stepped it at the last second and laughed as it  rammed itself into a tree behind her. Echo smirked and pulled out a longer blade that resembled a katana from another sheath on her left thigh, the wolf sat crouched growling at her baring it's teeth ready to attack.
      It ran towards her with a leap, and Echo slung the sword through its neck, laughing joyfully as its head rolled off its body. She turned to see the buff man watching her with amusement, a tiger ran at him from behind and Echo started running at him full force. The man was clearly confused as to why she would be attacking him until he turned to see the tiger gaining on him, he began shooting at it the bullets not slowing it. When it neared him he punched it in the jaw sending it flying to the ground with a loud rumble. Echo took her sword and stabbed it in the neck as it began clawing at her viciously.
       The man smirked at Echo, proudly, "Aguni." He introduced from behind her, Echo turned slowly the blood from the tiger splattered across her face as she smiled at him. She almost looked innocent if it weren't for the angry scars written on her face like an unfinished chapter, and the blood that coated her like a blanket. She nodded, "Echo." Their exchange was cut short due to a lion running at them with every intent to kill them, Echo rolled her neck and laughed wickedly, causing Aguni to look at her in amusement.
     She ran at the tiger quickly and jumped over its body doing a flip and swiftly landing on her feet, the tiger seemed confused for a moment and Echo took this advantage to jump onto its back slitting its throat in one swift movement. Aguni still not touched watched the girl as she took off towards the pirate ship, knowing they needed her at the beach.
      Echo climbed into the ship as it started not expecting to see Niragi sitting in the middle with his sniper rifle aimed at a hawk in the sky. Echo laughs as he shoots it dead, and locks eyes with him for the first time since she climbed onto the boat and he joins in on her laughter. "It's too easy!" He yelled loudly, shooting randomly into the sky in excitement. The game ended shortly after and they climbed off of the boat, Echos body tingling with adrenaline.
       As they exit the amusement park, Echo runs into the streets of Tokyo and screams in excitement, this game having been her favorite by far, the actual fighting having made her feel powerful. The militants watched her in amusement, as Aguni walks over to Echo.
       "You should come back with us," he attempts at persuading her, Echo stopped spinning and eyes the man in front of her hesitantly. "And why should I do that?" She asked him, grinning as she placed her sword back into her sheath that was permanently placed on her thigh, "So you can control me? So I'll be your little soldier, or so u can take away my weapons leaving me completely defenseless and at your mercy?" She taunted, a laugh escaping her lips, Niragi rolled his eyes at this, and grinned, "You'll be a high ranked member, you can do whatever you want" he promised her.
     Echos eye left Aguni's and met Niragi's, "You played a big part in tonight's game, I wouldn't have survived with out you, I'd like you to join us." Aguni spoke roughly, almost as if those words were hard for him to choke out, not liking that he was saved by a little girl, someone who appeared so fragile but yet wasn't fragile at all.
      Echo stood in the middle of the street weighing out the pros and cons, she looked between Aguni, Niragi, and another man that stood beside them, he held his own katana, and his face was painted with numerous tribal tattoos. "I'll go, but I have some conditions." She told them, locking eyes with Aguni last. Niragi laughed at her, "Who do you think you are to make demands" he asked her, taking his gun off of his shoulder in a threatening motion.
However, Echo wasn't faze, she rolled her eyes and shrugged, playing with her finger nails and watching as her thumb scraped off the red paint that once coated them in perfection. Aguni held his hand up to Nirgai, a motion that told him to stay in his place. "Let her make her demands," he told him, his eyes never leaving Echos. He nodded at her, urging her to continue, Echo licked the blood off her lips menacingly and giggled at Nirgai's irritated face. "My katana stays with me, my knife stays with me, I do what I want when I want, I'll follow the beaches rules but I won't be a puppet." She told them, raising a brow and daring them to challenge this exchange.
Aguni nodded, and although his demeanor was still hard, Echo could see he wasn't as hard as he portrayed himself to be. "We'll run these conditions by Hatter, I'm gonna request you become a militant, your skills could be very useful to us." He told her with a respectful nod.
Echo smiled and began walking down the street again, this time in the direction of the beach and looked over her shoulder to see the three men watching her in the same place they stood. "You coming?" She called out to the men laughing, they broke out of their trance and began following her. Something about Echo drew the three men in, they all couldn't help but wonder who she was in the real world, and how she came to get the scar that stretched along her face, they wanted to know more about her and where she came from and how she became the one she was today.
While Echo appeared cold hearted, she still carried a lightness in her, and in this world that was deathly terrifying as well as beautiful.

They arrived at the beach in less than twenty minutes due to a car the militants used for scavenging the cities. The extravagant and Luxurious hotel held hundreds of people, all either partying or taking part in multiple sex acts around a pool. The building was well lit, and full of life. Echo wasn't used to parties, but she knew in that moment she would have to become accustomed to it considering this would now be her new home.
Aguni and Niragi led the way down a long corridor with many paintings and old furniture, they entered a room that Echo found alike a meeting room. A man wearing a robe stood at the end of the long table wearing sun glasses and a sinister smile. "Welcome!" He spoke with excitement, his smile growing if it were even possible as he looked Echo up and down in delight, her legs exposed through the slits on her body suited dress, showing off the many sheaths she had attached to them with numerous weapons.
Echo took a seat in the chair opposite to Hatter and raised a cocky smirk to her lips as she began playing with her knife. Hatter raised a brow at Aguni unsure of the girl they brought before him. "This is Echo, she's a very skilled fighter, has experience with weapons, and took down a wolf, lion, and tiger in our last game." Aguni introduced eyeing Echo with his own smirk on his lips. Niragi took a seat beside Echo, laying a hand on her thigh. She looked down at his hand and met his eyes with a quizzical expression. She knew he was attracted to her but didn't expect him to be so bold as to make a move like this in front of their leader.
She slapped his hand off of her thigh with fake disgust, and turned her attention back to the man in the robe. "I can see that." He said motioning to her attire, and grinned widely. "We'd like her to be apart of the militants, she has 7 of hearts, 2 of spades, 4 of clubs, 9 of hearts, and 5 of hearts." Aguni told Hatter in a bragging manner, Echo guessed it wasn't usual that he brought people in that he was truly eager to recruit, someone that would actually benefit the organization they created.
Hatter clapped his hands in delight, "Thats wonderful! Five of the cards we needed!" He said and watched as Echo pulled the cards out of her bra and set them on the meeting table.
"I'd like to be able to keep my weapons, they're important to me." She told Hatter, her eyes squinted at him and held a hand close to her sheath, prepared for if things go south during the meeting and she would have to make a quick escape. Hatter only nodded, still too busy eyeing the cards like a hungry man. "Very well, but before we conclude this meeting I'd like to inform you of our three rules at the beach," he started, grabbing the cards off of the table, "first rule, you are free to do whatever you desire, drink, indulge in sex, drugs, whatever you please," he started laughing with arms spread, "second rule, you must always wear a bathing suit, however that won't be applied to you due to you joining the militants, you can wear whatever you please." He continued, his eyes locked with Echos as he proceeded to tell the last and final rule. "Last rule, death to all traitors." His tone was thick with venom and Echo knew he meant it, but she only appeared bored as she heard this.
"Got it." She told him with a nod, continuing to play with the knife in her fingers, Niragi watched her intently, and although Echo wanted to tell him off she didn't, because that would be showing interest and she knew Niragi liked attention, he craved it, but she wanted him to beg for it.
"Okay; you're free to go, thank you for your contribution to the cards, we are one step closer to leaving this country and for that I, thank you." Hatter told her sincerely, Echo nodded and stood from her chair and locked eyes with Niragi who continued to watch her from his seat.
"Well, aren't you gonna show me to my room?" She asked him before turning around and walking towards the door to leave the room. Niragi stood and followed her out, his gun never leaving his shoulder as they walked through the halls. Many stared as they passed, some whispering about her eye, and few asking why she was with Niragi. They both ignored the gossip and stopped at a room at the end of the hall closest to the stairs that lead to the center of the hotel.
"This is you, princess." Niragi told her with a smirk, opening the door to find a well kept room with black interior. The bed made, and the lights off, a bathroom connected to the room with a deep tub and tiled walls. Echo nodded in approval and slowly stepped out of her boots and pulling her weapons off of her thighs one by one and set them on the dresser. Niragi stood watching as she slowly stripped the sheaths off and climbed out of her dress leaving her stood in nothing but red lace undergarments.
"Thank you for showing me to my room, I'd like to shower now, I'll see you around Niragi." She told him, hinting at him to leave. Niragi went to step closer but was too slow, she entered the bathroom and shut the door leaving him stood in complete awe.

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