I'm just crazy for falling in love with you. Part 1

Start from the beginning

"God, I beg your pardon! I'm in a hurry without looking at my feet!" I decided to help the girl and pick up things from the floor. When I tried to take the pencil closest to me, the girl's hand and my hand touched together. We looked at each other. Her (E / C) eyes shone like gems. My heart pounded in my chest. You can admire for a long time, but the girl quickly grabbed the pencil from the floor and ran again apologizing.

"Josuke, have you seen this cutie? It seems you fell for her, since you crossed your arms like that. And red as tomatoes in Tonio's appetizer." Okuyasu said pushing my shoulder.

Okuyasu, as always, about his own. But... This girl... What is she? Why did I feel such divine warmth when I touched her hand? And my heart never beat so wildly. She definitely did something.

(After school)

As I walked home with Koichi, Okuyasu, and Yukako, my thoughts never left today. I want to know who that girl is and why does an alluring aura emanate from her? As soon as we were about to leave, Yukako looked in my direction and stopped.

"Guys, can you go without us? I need to talk to Josuke alone." Yukako said. Koichi and Okuyasu were surprised, and I was scared instead of surprised. What does she want from me? All the same, the guys left, leaving us alone.

"Higashikata, what's wrong with you?" She asked, looking somehow suspicious.

"Um... Nothing, just thinking." I was nervous.

"Don't try to lie to me. I feel in you the same way I felt for Koichi. Desire for something, or rather, someone."

What does she say? What other desire? There is nothing like that in me.

"I don't think of anything that you thought at the time. It's just ... There's one person I met at school today. And she gives off an aura. I want to see her again."

"From her? So the girl became the object of your passion. Describe her, maybe I can tell you her name." What is she planning to do? Each time I became more and more scared around Yukako.

"Well... I remember she has long black hair, not wavy. (E/C) eyes like gems. Pale skin and not tall. That's all I can remember." What a pity that the image of the girl sat down so weakly. Such girls in our school can be counted on one hand by description.

"Hmm ... Wait. I kind of remember that one." Yukako opened her bag and took out a book containing photographs and characteristics of many of the students from the school.

"Where are you carrying this from?"

"Don't ask too many questions. For Koichi's sake, I was willing to do anything." Yukako turned the pages. Having reached the desired one, she showed it in the photo.

"That's she?" The photo was exactly the same girl from today.

"Yes, it is she!" God, she looks so beautiful in the photo.

"I know her. Her name is Y/N S/N. Studying with me and Okuyasu. She is an average student. She has no friends. She has no boyfriend either. Doesn't like it when someone calls her weak or teases her. Likes to be aloof from everyone." God! How much Yukako learned about her.

"So her name is Y/N." My cheeks turned red again looking at the photo.

"I knew it. You fell in love, since you have cheeks like tomatoes."

"No. Nothing of the kind. She's just very beautiful and I would not mind getting to know her closer."

"My God Higashikata. It's hard to fool me. I already said that I feel the same aura. This is the power of Yandere. That state when a person falls in love with the only person united by a red thread, trying to protect from others and not share with anyone. You have the same situation. "

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