Part 1

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*Beep beep* *beep beep*
    The sound of my alarm clocks goes off. It's 6:30am and I have to make my way towards school. School was hell but I needed to finish to get my diploma.  It took me at least five minutes to semi wake up before I actually got up.  As I was getting up, the rising sun beamed through my curtains blinding me. I stepped back but I ended up tripping on a shoe, and falling back. I banged my head on my wall.
    "Ow what the hell" I grumbled as I rubbed the back of my head.
What a way to start off my morning.
     I got dressed with clothes that were too big for me, I looked messy but I didn't care, just as long as I hid my body. It was the beginning of fall and it was already starting to get cold.  I slipped on my shoes, grabbed my schoolbag, and headed out the door. As I was walking in the school gates I could see the group of girls that have been tormenting me since the beginning of highschool.  They have said nasty things to me and even done even more terrible things to me, I was over it.  I tried to walk as quick as I can but then one of them noticed and called over to me,
    "Hey! Y/n, where are you going, you're forgetting something remember"  one of the girls said in a mischievous tone.
I pretended I didn't hear as I was already panicking, I have really bad anxiety and get nervous when people asked me the simplest questions. I really didn't wanna deal with this right now so I sped walked inside the school.
     When I got in I was already shaking, I hated this place, nothing was good about it, the people here are terrible, the teachers don't care about us, and they always overwork us, this place sucked. The bell rang eventually and I made it to my first class.  As soon as all my classmates sat down the teacher started explaining the plans for today.
     "Hello good morning class! I hope you all are doing well this fine morning, So today we have lots of work to do so we are going to get going already." She said making her way to her desk "So today I actually have a project that you all will be working on with a partner!"
     My heart sank, group projects were always the worst, I didn't know anyone in my class and they didn't know me.  As I was panicking on the inside I decided to listen to the teacher for more instructions.
     "So for this project it is required to have a partner with you, so no working by yourselves.  Both you and your partner will have to write an essay along with a presentation to present to the class. Now this presentation is going to be about something you and your partner are passionate about; it could be sports, music, editing, etc." She ended with a clap. "So now I will be assigning you to your partner and when you and your teammate gets called, go over to them so you can get to know each other!" She grabs a sheet of paper that was laying on her desk and reads it out.
     As she says each name of my classmates they start getting up to group with their partners, they all seem like they already know what they are going to do, except me.  As she reaches toward the end of the students and she finally calls my name,
"Okay now we have Y/n and Tendou"
     "Tendou?" I thought I looked around the classroom to see a boy with red spikey hair already walking towards me.  He was tall with a slim figure, he wore a grey baggy hoodie and black jeans.  I was surprised at how fast he knew who I was or my name at least. I've never talked to him or anyone in this class.  As I was lost in my thought, Tendou started waving his hand trying to get my attention,
"Helloo, you there?" Tendou says in a jokingly way
I snapped out of it, "Huh? Oh I'm sorry!" "I kinda forgot we were supposed to talk to eachother" I say panicky. "Um, so do you know what you're going to make your presentation about?" I say trying to make conversation.
    "Hmmm" Tendou pauses for a bit then says " I was thinking to make mine about volleyball" he said with a grin "what about you Y/n?" He spoke leaning towards me
     I started sweating, he was getting closer which made me a bit nervous, "hm, I'm not sure" I think for a bit, I have lots of Hobbies but can't seem to pick one, I finally decided to speak again, "I think I might write about art..?" I look up to see if Tendou had any sort of reaction but he just stared with droopy-ish eyes, he finally speaks
"Hm, so you're into art? Have you made anything special?"
I was kinda speechless, I've never really talked about things I've liked with other people, I just decided to go with it, "Not really I guess, I only really work on small projects like drawings or sketches, but I would really like to do a bigger project eventually I think that'll be fun! Even though I'm not exactly sure of what I'll do, I think it's good prac-" I stopped there realizing I started rambling "oh, I'm sorry if I'm talking too much. I got a bit carried away and i-" Tendou cut me off
"Oh no it's fine really, I enjoy listening to you talk!" He said cheerfully
I was caught off guard, he was being so nice I wasn't used to this. It felt nice being able to talk about the things I liked. 
     Me and Tendou kept talking about our hobbies and such, and I realized how nice he was. He listened to me and I listened to him, it was nice.  I had learned that he actually played on our school volleyball team and he was the teams middle blocker, I don't really know what that meant but I just nodded my head yes as if I understood, he invited me to his practice so that we can work on the project when he's finish, I accepted. 

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