"It's because you weren't keep watching" she immediately point the blame towards me! Girl,I am a living flesh and bones while you're just a painting! How am I supposed to help when your bird is about to escape inside the goddamn canvas?! The girl stopped for a while and continued "I saw a shadow. It was.....a cat! A jet black cat!" A cat? Wait, did the cat I painted on the third day ate it? This is bad, i thought it wouldn't get the bird if it's in the cage.

"I saw it ran onto that bed over there!" She pointed at the bed, which....oh well, it's black and white and I can't see a thing

oh well, it's black and white and I can't see a thing

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"Find that black cat! If you don't..." She then pouted while looking at me like a child throwing tantrums at the shopping mall "I'll blot you out instead!" I quickly tried to calm her down. "Ok,ok! Just don't do anything stupid, it doesn't bring your bird back eventually!" But that backfired when she snapped back. "JUST FIND IT!!"I sighed after failing to stop her tantrum and continued to search for.....oh wait, that bastard was already there. I saw one at the foot of the easel, lying laid back in a weirdly relaxed posture.

"There you are,you sunava bitch. NOW GET BACK HERE!" I tried to catch it but failed, only to let it escaped into the kitchen and myself slipped towards the ground and hit my nose. "Ow! Now you've done it you little shit!" I got up and followed it, it fell from the tree after it broke a dining plate. "No! My dining plate!" I always using that dining plate for every single meal and now it was broken by that furry rascal! The chase continues until i lost sign of it. I sat down and lying on the floor after chasing that little twat until I ran out of breath. "Out of breath already, I thought you're quite athletic" the girl found me on the floor and tried to mock me.

"Oh come on, if you're unsatisfied with my performance this time, catch it yourself"

"Does that mean that I'm athletic as you?" We quarrel a bit due to the failed-to-stop tantrum of hers until I heard something else. Something prying a door open or trying to get its body or limbs out of the door. I turned and saw the lower half of the cat's body stuck at the second door (refer day 3, again there're two doors).

"Ah there you are, serve you right for breaking my plate!" I opened the door but..... something's coming out of the room,something inhuman. "WHAT THE-" I wasn't even quick enough to react and got knocked out cold on the floor.

After a few seconds,my eyes opened and I was back to the painter's perspective. He did encounter the same issue as I, except more chaotic. It broken a whole lot of stuff when snuck into the mansion, including that one exact plate in the kitchen. The chase continues until the cat slipped into a room

 The chase continues until the cat slipped into a room

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the Breathing painting: a Matsuro palette fanficWhere stories live. Discover now