Chapter 2

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Mary wakes by the sun shining in her eyes. She blinks a few times and wipes over her eyes to wake herselve up.
A smile covers her face as she looks next to her seeing Francis peacefully asleep.
Mary sits up the blanket covering her chest.
She loves waking up next to him, seeing his bare chest rise, the blanket covering the rest if his body and with his soft sound of breathing.

"Francis?" She whispers and brushes her hand over his cheek.

He opens his eyes slightly and smiles up at her laying his hand over hers on his cheek.

"Yes, love?" he whispers and sits up taking her hand in his and playing with her fingers.

"Nothing, i wanted to know if you were awake-" Mary answers and smiles at him as she traces her finger down his chest.

He nods "I am awake now, my love-"

Mary smiles and nods but shrieks as he rolls her over and lays on top of her.

"Because you woke me-" Francis says teasing and moves his fingers over her stomach.

Mary shrieks and giggles, making him forget what happened, everything that happenen between them, everyone Olivia, Thomas, Bash, Condé his father and mother and everyone who came between them.

Mary brushes her foot playfully down his arm making francis take her soft leg in his arm and pressing sweet soft kisses against it.

"Francis...." she whisper with a smile "Francis, we should go-"

He smiles and leans down on her "I know, but I never want this to end".

She moves her hand up and down his back and sighs "Me neither" she whispers and closes her eyes.

Francis rolls out of bed and dresses himselve while Mary keeps relaxing on the bed and watches him with a smile

"Come here; I will help you with your dress" he says and looks over at Mary.

She nods and stands, feeling nervous for being naked. Even though he had already seen her. Her affaire with Condé had made her a bit nervous to be naked.
Not for herselve but for Francis, they both knew her body wasn't virgin for Louis. The pain she cost him that he almost died. Only for one night with Louis. She couldn't properly look at herselve, how much worse it has to be for him .

Francis lays the skirts on the ground so she can step in and puts the corset around her chest meanwhile.

"Why do they make these so difficult? It is hard to put on-" he smirks a bit and moves his fingers down her soft arm "or take out"

She nudges him with her elbow and giggles "you cant say a thing, you always wear lots of pins om your shirt that stings me as well".

Francis chuckles and puts the armpart over her dress up ariund her arm

"speaking about my shirt, where is it?" He asks with an adorable smirk his blue eyes sparkling.

Mary's eyes look around "uhmmm, somewhere"

Francis shakes his head and hugs her "do you want me to go into the throneroom? Shirtless?"

Mary gives him a teasing smile "the girls wouldn't mind for sure"

"Owh, hush you" he says joking and grabs a new shirt from the closet


Francis seats himselve on his throne and takes Mary's hand who sits next to him.
Bash walks in and bows his head towards them, his clothes dirty

Francis smiles "dont bow, brother" he says and waves his hand.

Bash looks up "Two more people died in the village, unknown causes. The forest is to dangerous to go in alone, but I think the murderer is hiding there"

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