Hey, Neighbor. - Chapter II

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[6:43 PM]

An uncomfortable silence weighed down the air. You were never great at conversation which was mostly your fault. Mom says it's an annoying "teen thing" I'll grow out of when I still don't have friends by the time I'm 25. Whatever, 'cause even if it is, today was not the day for redemption.

"Sup, the name's Larry Johnson. I'm pretty sure we saw you outside earlier," spoke the brunette from before. He had a strangely calm aura about him. "This is my buddy, Sal."

Sal offered a gentle wave, glimpsing at Larry as if to make sure he did it correctly.

"Right..." you trailed. To your relief, neither of them seemed angry. I guess that weird staring contest didn't mean anything after all. Letting your guard down, you opened the door fully.

"Well, would you look what the cat dragged in," your dad intruded, placing a hand on your shoulder. "You've made two friends already and it hasn't been a day— and they're boys!" he winked, clicking his tongue.

You felt your cheeks flush. Sure, you loved the guy, but this was pushing it. "Don't you think the living room wall needs another painting hung?" you asked in a spontaneous attempt to distract him.

"You know, I was just gonna say th—"

Stepping into the hallway, you closed the door behind yourself cutting him off mid-sentence.

"So..." you mumbled, fidgeting with the sleeve of your jacket. "What are you guys here for?"

"We wanted to welcome the new neighbor. It's not often anyone moves in with all the freaky stuff going on, let alone someone our age," Larry grinned, placing his hands in his pockets.

Freaky stuff? I don't even want to know.

"We might be dudes, but we can be fun," he continued. Sal nodded excitedly in agreement with Larry's statement. "You wanna chill with us for a few hours at my place?"

You weren't used to such forwardness, but this felt...nice. Plus, with you gone, mom's forced to do all the heavy-duty lifting.

I'm such an ass, aren't I?


[7:54 PM, Larry's Place]

You had sat down on a beanbag in the middle of his room. A dirty shirt and pants lay strewn on a dresser. Hardcore metal played on low volume in the background— Sanity's Fall, to be precise. Everything was exactly how you'd picture an adult teen's room. The three of you were getting along better than you'd initially anticipated. Conversations about music, school, and hobbies ensued.

Sal sat cross-legged to your right on the floor plucking at his electric guitar; Larry was slumped against the dresser to your left with his legs spread out, lighting another cigarette.

"Want one?" he asked, reaching out with a stick between two fingers.

"Sure, why not," you complied. I hope it won't be too obvious that I've never smoked before. You inhaled the fumes trying not to cough. "What about you, Sal?"

He perked up at the mention of his name. "Oh, no thanks. I don't smoke or drink. Addiction runs in the family," Sal explained. His eyes squinted from under the mask in an apologetic smile.

It's gotta be some sort of talent to look that cute without ever showing your face.

His focus returned to the guitar, black-painted nails strumming against the strings softly. You found yourself mesmerized by his movements for a few seconds.

"What brings you to Nockfell?" Sal asked, breaking your trance. He appeared flustered, losing his rhythm on the guitar.

Shit, was I just caught staring again?

"Well, uh, to put it blandly we're not rich. Addison Apartments wasn't too far from my dad's work and it's ten times more affordable," you replied, acting as normal as possible while running a hand through your hair.

"Yeah, this place is pretty cheap," Sal chuckled. "Is it just you and your dad?"

"Nah, mom's there too, I just don't talk about her. We're not what you'd call best friends," you sighed, using air quotes on 'best friends.'

"Mm. Must be nice to have her around."

For some reason, Sal's comment sounded genuine. You felt confused but abstained from prying. Dad would be proud you're not being nosy for once.

[12:00 AM]

As time flew by, the three of you grew closer. Before you knew it the clock struck midnight. You'd heard stories about people meeting friends they just clicked with, but never experienced it until today. It surprised you that you wanted to stay longer, but unfortunately, you couldn't. Larry and Sal offered to take you back to your apartment, although it was easy to tell they weren't going to let you walk alone.

"Here we are, room 201," you confirmed when reaching the door. You felt a twinge of disappointment tug at your heart looking at Larry and Sal. "I'll see you two around, then?"

"Absolutely, my dude. Until next time," Larry replied in a gravelly tone, throwing up devil horns.

The parting eye contact between you and Larry was more casual than with Sal. You felt your breath hitch in your throat slightly upon making eye contact.

"You're cool, (y/n). No duh, we'll be back," Sal gleamed.

Extending a final wave, you entered your apartment.  It was dark besides a pale night light glowing in the kitchen. Mom and dad must have retired early. You went into your "room" which consisted of a blow-up mattress and a lamp currently. Too tired to change into pajamas, you flopped onto the bed stomach-first. Usually, you were distant with people, but there was something so different, so real about those two.

With them around, maybe Nockfell won't be so bad.

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