-Maybe You'll Change Your Mind- North Korea x Russia

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Okay so first off...
In this oneshot Russia isn't homophobic, that's really it lol
NK is very much homophobic but he doesn't realize he's just a closeted gay trying to not show weakness
Pretty sure this is fluff-


North Korea and Russia sat next to each other on a couch, their eyes fixed onto the screen in front of them.

"에휴, 왜 이걸 TV에 보여줄 생각을 했을까요?" (Ew, why would they even think of showing this on tv?) NK grimaced, scrunching his nose at two men kissing, "예를 들어, 그들은 같은 성별에서 무엇을 봅니까? 완전히 역겹다." (Like, what do they see in the same gender? It's completely disgusting.)

Russia looked at the other in anger, "Это не противно, Северная Корея, ты сейчас отвратительна." (It's not disgusting, North Korea, you're the one being disgusting at the moment.) The two just looked at each other, the taller leaning over the smaller.

NK pushed Russia away, and they just sat in silence for a bit.

"Корея, почему тебе так не нравятся ЛГБТК +?" (Korea, why do you dislike the LGBTQ+ so much?) The taller looked at Korea with a sincere look in his eye.

"나-잘 모르겠어, 그냥 내겐 부자연스러워.. 징그럽다.." (I-I don't really know, it just feels unnatural to me.. It's gross..) NK looked down a bit, and Russia knew immediately he was telling lies.

"Послушай, скажи мне, в чем дело. Вы ненавидели их гораздо больше, чем обычно." (Listen, tell me what's up. You've been much more hating on them than usual.)

NK tensed up, which made Russia weary. The smaller didn't notice, but he started to move his body closer and closer to the taller, each word drew him in more and more. The Russian started to notice these small actions, moving his hand to the Korean's hip.

"Корея, я думал, ты сказал, что ненавидишь думать о мужчинах с мужчинами." (Korea, I thought you said you hated to thought of men with men.) Russia mumbled, bringing their heads closer.

"나.. 더 이상 무슨 생각을 해야할지 모르겠어.." (I.. I don't know what to think anymore..) NK mumbled , slowly bringing his lips to Russia's. He didn't know what was going through his head, all he knew was that he needed Russia.

A warm passionate kiss followed, the soft Russian's lips against the scarred Korean's, it was complete bliss to the both. They parted for a second, then Russia pushed NK down, crawling on top of the other to deepen the kiss.

"젠장, 이게 왜 이렇게 좋은지.." (D-damn it, why is this so nice..) NK mumbled between kisses, gasping as Russia slowly started to kiss his neck.

"Боже, как ты так увлекаешься?" (God, how are you so addicting?) Russia giggled, continuing the kisses. The smaller let out soft pants, tilting his head to open up his neck to open up more room for the soft kisses.

Russia slowly pulled his head away. "Как это? Кажется, тебе понравилось." (How's that? You seem to have liked it.) He gave NK a cheeky grin. NK didn't respond, just snuggling up to Russia and sighing.

"Я люблю тебя, Северная Корея." (I love you, North Korea.)


"나도 사랑 해요.." (I love you too..)

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