#1 - Mr. Nobody

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Mr. Nobody (Art Film)
Directed By: Jaco Van Dormael
Starring: Jared Leto
My Rating: 9/10
Mr. Nobody is an intelligent art film about Nemo Nobody, (Jared Leto) who is the last mortal human being left alive about a 100 years into the future, where science has created "telemirization." Infinite renewal of cells. Meaning no more dying of old age. So he is left being around 170 years old if I remember correctly. Oh, and somewhere along the way people decided sex was obsolete...which I do not at all support.
But anyways, if it seems like my knowledge of the film's universe is limited, that's because the film isn't centered around that. In fact, it is told primarily through the flashbacks. You see, Nemo doesn't remember who he is, and has no clear record of his past in the future. So some whack doctor starts trying to poke around his brain (figuratively) to try to help him remember. But despite all his attempts, he gets practically nothing useful. Nemo keeps giving him multiple different memories from multiple different ways his life could have lived. Eventually, a journalist breaks into his room and tries to interview the old fart and so Nemo tells him all the different ways his life could have, or did, go. And how his multiple life experiences of love have molded him into the quack he is today.
The film is beautifully shot, well-focused, and professional. No shot seems to last too long, nor not last long enough. It's all coherent and you can always tell what's going on physically.
However, in terms of visual effects, that is where Mr. Nobody faults most with me. The movie sticks mostly to practical effects, not using CGI for the most part since it really doesn't require that. But, occasionally, the movie will throw in some Sci-Fi BS of Mars, the future, etc. And it does fit with the story, but it doesn't fit with the rest of the visuals. The CG is sloppy, and feels out of place. Which, normally I get since not everyone has the budget to create a giant rocket-ship floating around the red planet....
But there's just this one scene that was ruined for me due to the fact that is turned into a crudely obvious green screen background. In the scene, Nemo is a teen who is very conflicted with what he has to deal with. From taking care of his diseased father to falling for a psychotic girl whom doesn't share his feelings, he is under a lot of stress. And he's angry, and sad, and all that jazz. So after saying, "I'm fine, father." The movie cuts to him riding his moped in the woods, screaming in rage...BUT IT LOOKS BAD AND UUUUGGGHHH!
It's superb. Jared Leto, despite being paraded all over the posters and advertisements, didn't have as much of a role as I expected. However, when he's there, he shines like the God damn sun he's so great. And he also portrays Nemo in the future, when he's 170 years old. So he had to spend hours in make-up just give off that great performance.
But, for the first time ever from what I can recall, the child actors were some of the best in the movie. Granted, they were all teenagers and not exactly children anymore, but I'm counting it! The boy playing young Nemo is incredible, and just fun to watch. And the actresses portraying young Anna and Elise were also fantastic. Elise especially, since she is bat-$hit crazy and acting crazy is a pain in the @$$. I'm proud that the actress was able to do so well.
In the end, everyone was good and fit well. Yay.
Yeah...you're gonna wanna watch it a few times before it makes sense. It deals with a lot of scientific theories and concepts: multiverse, solipsism, string theory, butterfly effect, all the stuff that you didn't pay attention to in your Softmore science class.
See, Nemo's life is split into multiple directions when he has o choose between whether or not he will stay with his father or his mother after their divorce. If he stays with his dad, his future involves two women: Elise or...(oh crap, I forgot he name. Um...she's Asian...that racist? Nah. Keep going.) Elise is bat-$hit crazy, and doesn't love Nemo the way he loves her. Asian girl is normal, but Nemo doesn't love her the way she loves him.
But, if he stays with his mother, he will meet Anna, the perfect girl. For once, they actually love each other. It's adorable to watch. But they can't be together since they kinda...sorta...end up becoming step-siblings. But it's resolved....kinda.
The concept of the movie is confusing, and takes some attention to understand it. But even if you don't, it is still very interesting to watch and see all the ways his life could have or might have went.
Boasting an intelligent story, outstanding acting, and beautiful soundtrack, Mr. Nobody would seem to be a 10/10 film. But, the visual effects sprinkled throughout the movie ruining immersion bring it down a bit. So, it sadly gets a 9/10 instead. Which, mind you, is still pretty damn awesome.

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