I can't even give you points for that because he didn't even know what it was at the time. He literally just called it his Peter Tingle, he even called it that himself before he did all that stuff. I am very much sure that both Tobey and Andrew can do all that they just didn't have the budget in their movies because of the time. Especially Tobey.

See all that? That wasn't just for dramatic effect that was literally his spider since going off telling him what exactly is going on and where everyone is. If you play this in real time and not in slow motion like it was on some scenes. This man has some insane reaction time.

The Suit

Do I even really have to say anything for this one?

Andrew and Tobey made theirs by hand Tom got his handed to him. And even if he did "Make His Own" it was with Stark tech. The web shooters I'll give him a pass because he did make his own prototype along with his first suit. But that's it seriously he has so much crap in that suit he didn't even know what to do with it. And that's not even me over exaggerating that is me being literal, his first Solo movie is pretty much proof of this claim.


I don't have much to say about Tobey's personality. Because at that time they were trying to focus on making the cartoon Spider-Man a real thing. Like the whole with great power comes great responsibility thing so he needed to be responsible and act mature. He did make jokes or do some funny stuff but it was more or less like the third or fourth thing he focused on. The OGs know what I'm talking about

Andrew was perfect, he made jokes when he needed to he was still acting serious when it came down to it. Even when no one was around he was still making funny lines.

Tom is annoying, like seriously all he does is talk and not in the funny way it's very annoying. You're not to mention his version of Spider-Man just asked to immature and new. You can make the argument that and like in some of the other Spider-Man TV shows he's kind of the same but to me no.

And I know that the new movie is coming out but thanks to the trailer I have better ammo. Because Doctor Strange was in the middle of doing the spell that made everyone forget he was Spider-Man.

And he was dumb enough to ask questions like "Wait everybody forget some Spider-Man?"

Like dude this was literally what you were asking for why do you choose now to act like you didn't know!!! And to make matters worse he kept on bugging Doctor Strange about people who he needs to know he's Spider-Man!!! You're acting like you just can't tell them again he didn't say you couldn't!!!!

The entire multiverse got thrown out of whack all because he didn't shut up.

And then lastly you have the city. Now for me I feel like when you're talking about Spider-Man the city itself is also a character.

When Tobey was trying to keep that train card thing from falling into the ocean that had people in it and Green goblin was trying to mess with him. The people of the city had his back and started throwing stuff at goblin so he wouldn't mess with Spider-Man trying to save other people.

Andrew I'm pretty sure you saw it in that video that when he got shot in the leg and needed to get to Oscorp Tower. The father of the kid Andrew saved got his buddies to move the crane so he can easily swing and get there faster so he can save the city.

Tom's city didn't have his back at all. That is according to the trailer, all these people were judging him pointing fingers holding up signs. It's like they all just thought Spider-Man was a menace even though that he has saved the day.

And to me that is very messed up because like if I wear this superhero and I've been trying my hardest to save you guys and I've nearly died countless of times trying to save the people of the city as my superhero alter ego. And when you guys finally find out who I am under the mask you want to criticize me and treat me like I'm a bad guy.

Like seriously tell me I'm wrong with this one. Even though his new movie is coming out you're not excited to see him you're excited to see The return of old villains an old Spider-Men.

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