Meeting the 'Deres'

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(A/N: Picture is my fabulous OC, Yuki!!!)

Yuki rapidly typed on the keyboard, her fingers dancing fluently along the keys. "Almost done..." she grunted.

Nikota and Sora stood a foot away, shaking their heads. "She's so restless.." they mumbled.

Yuki turned around in her chair, grinning at them psychotically. "You said something?"

"Umm..." hummed Nikota, shoving her hands in her sweatshirt pocket. "The landlady said there's no rooms in the other apartments, and if there's any new residents who wanna live here... She's sending them here first before the other ones-"

The front door burst open, and in came seven teenaged boys:
one with pink hair and eyes,
one with dark hair and ear piercings,
one with strawberry blond hair and holding a cat,
one with light brown hair and pale yellow eyes,
one with dark navy hair and lightning blue eyes,
one with bright orange hair and red eyes,
and one with purple hair and blood red eyes.

The one with fiery red eyes flicked his matching hair. "So this is the dump we're gonna be livin' in?! My mansion is way better than this!"

The one with ear piercings rubbed the side of his head. "Idiot, your 'mansion' is full of trash!"

Sora jumped onto the couch, peering over the edge. "Who are you people?!"

The boy with strawberry blond hair put down his cat. "I'm Teruo Yoshi, and these are my friends,
Takeshi Masaru, the one with purple hair,
Akira Nobuyuki, the dude with piercings,
Haku Nikoyaka, the boy with light brown hair,
Yuu Tatsuya, the guy with the burning orange hair,
Kuro Tsumetai, the one with black hair and the cold stare, (lol that rhymed)
And finally, Yoichi Masahiko, the tall one with pink hair."

Takeshi waved. "Very nice to meet the three of you!" warbled Takeshi cheerfully.

Haku squeezed a brown and white bear, looking away bashfully. "H-Hi.." he stammered.

"He's shy." said Kuro, dragging everyone's bags down the hallway. Nikota took some of the bags and helped take them to the two extra rooms.

Sora grabbed Haku's free hand, smiling ear to ear. "Hi, I'm Sora! I hope we can be friends!" Haku's face flushed as Sora dragged him to his room, Teruo following right behind them.

Meanwhile, near the computer, Yuki and Takeshi were already mingling, as if they were long lost friends. "Takeshi-senpai~! We have so much in common! Please stay forever!!!"

"Would you like to sharpen my favorite knife, my love~?"

"Creeeeepy~" muttered Akira. "The two of them are such yanderes!"

"I'll have to agree with you on this one," replied Yuu. "Even though it's very abnormal for me to be doing.."

"Oh, so you're calling me unreasonable?!"

"I never said that. Maybe."

A dark aura surrounded Kuro as he walked into the living room. "Shut up, both of you."

"F-Fine! Sorry Kuro!"

"Heh, go a little easy on them, would ya?" snorted Nikota, placing her hand on Kuro's shoulder. "Sure they're a bit of idiots, but c'mon, it was getting good!" She squeezed his shoulder as hard as she can, her arm stiff and her mouth widened into a big, petrifying grin.

Kuro tensed, raising his arm to push Nikota away. "My arm.."

Nikota released and headed for the kitchen, coming back with some homemade takoyaki. She tore off a piece with her teeth and messily chewed her snack.

"Weirdo," murmured Akira and Yuu. "Such a weirdo."

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