All The Lonely People

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Song: Eleanor Rigby by Cody Fry

The original short on TikTok: 

"The arrow pierces her girlfriend's body and as her body falls to the ground the champion is filled with rage and horror and so she allows her patron god to do something she has thus far refused and invites him into her body to give her godly strength and power which she uses in her anguish and devastation to first kill the man who took her love away from her and then to kill the king who started this war in the first place and in the end, after all her enemies are slain and the battle is over, she kneels next to the corpse of her love and lays her love's head in her lap and prays once more and her patron god, Hades, grants her wish one last time and as the life fades from the hero's eyes, the eyes of her love opens. A life for a life in a new world now that the war is done."



The two armies ran at each other, each determined to be the victors, each convinced that they were on the right side of the war. I sit on the back of my horse at the back of my army, waiting. A raven flies across the sky and over the battlefield, illuminated by the rising sun. I grasp the handle of my sword. Time slows.

Will you let me in my child?  He asks me. 

I shake my head, no. To invite a god, even your father, into your body to imbue you with strength and power is dangerous at best, fatal at worst. I cannot afford to make reckless decisions while I am the head of a nation, the first queen without a king, the first queen engaged to a princess. I will be the one to bring change to my country, I already am, all I have to do is survive and end this war and I can finally marry the love of my life. 

Let me in and I can help you fulfill your destiny, victory will be yours.  Hades doesn't have many champions - or daughters for that matter, and while he may have good intentions, I will not risk it and he knows that. 

"I'm sorry father, I cannot accept that risk, you know that. It's too dangerous and I have a battle to fight and win."

Time speeds back up. The armies crash into each other as they meet and for a moment they are at a standstill, neither side taking any ground. 

I nudge my horse and we begin to gallup towards the battle. I unsheath my sword and urge my horse faster. He carries us swiftly towards the front line and I swing my sword in great arches, killing all of the enemies before me, clearing a path for my army to advance and giving us an advantage. Their bodies fall mutilated where they stood against me. For a second, just a second, my heart weeps for the death and destruction that is occurring, that must occur. This could have all been avoided if only King Dariusem hadn't started attacking our border after I announced my betrothal to Princess Evelynnel, wreaking havoc on my villages and killing my people. 

With each swing of my sword, I kill more and more enemy soldiers, people. The battlefield is not the place to feel remorse or compassion so I stuff my feelings back deep into my chest and I charge forward again with renewed conviction, a battle cry flying from my lips.

I hear a thud, my horse cries and shudders, then falls. I roll on the ground, winded, unable to get air into my lungs. A young soldier tries to stab me with his sword but I roll to the left just in time to dodge his thrust and I kick his ankle, causing him to fall before wiping out my dagger from the back of my tunic and stabbing him. I find my sword a few feet from where I fell and I grasp the handle once again and stand. 

Blood covers my skin and my armor, my long black braided hair with the customary victory bells swaying in the breeze. My soldiers surround me and push back the enemy, protecting me and giving me space to breathe and recover. I turn to survey the battle. We're winning, I smirk, soon I'll be able to marry my warrior princess bride and we'll repair the damage this war has cost and begin a new era of peace. I turn to find her, where is she?

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