At this point he was beyond vexed due to Raavi's absence, he missed her, especially ever since he noticed the way she had started reacting to his touch, every time he pulled her closer on the pretext of fighting she could loose her train of thought and whatever comeback that was on the tip of her tongue would be forgotten and she would fumble and try to get away from him as fast as she possibly could, her sudden coyness and responsiveness to him would never fail to satisfy him and he would end up spend hours together simply lost in the memory of how she had looked when her face would go all red and she would start to stutter incoherently, gosh he had to see her. Making some random excuse to Kaka about a headache he raced off on his bike towards Raavi's college, where he knew she would be, most probably rehearsing like had said a couple of days back when he eavesdropped on her and Dhara Bhabhi.

It took him a total of 15 minutes to get to her college and an additional 5 to walk all the way to the dance room, and when he entered the view he was presented with made him thank his lucky stars for getting him there on time he shut the door and locked it immediately not wanting anyone to walk in on the heavenly sight in front of him, Raavi was just finishing up her routine. Her arms stretched on either side of her body and held onto the aerial bar and cloth up in the air and her legs forming a sideways split in the air, her back arched beautifully and her eyes closed, he watched the way her legs stretched and the fabric of her pants clinging to her skin, the flimsy camisole she wore dipped low giving him a wonderful view of her cleavage from where he was standing, her hair loose from the braid which she might have tied when she started and her smile, god that smile alone would kill him he decided, she arched even more, her back bending and legs stretching wide to accommodate her position, the mirrors all around the room making sure that she was the only thing he could see, Shiva felt his blood rushing southwards due to the view she presented, her body bent beautifully, he marvelled at her flexibility, instantly wondering about how much more flexible she could get. He wanted her and he wanted her now, years of pretence and appropriation could go to hell he decided and stalked forward soundlessly like a predator out for his innocent and unsuspecting prey, reaching the ropes which held the bar up in the air, hands ready to pull on the ropes, lowering her to the ground.

Raavi meanwhile had finally finished up her dance routine and managed to perfect her final step which was a sideways split and arch with her hands up holding onto the cloth that hung from the aerial bar her legs burning due to how long she held them up in the air and her palms raw from the tight grip on the cloth her back ached too from the way she was bent, mentally giving herself a pat she was about to lower her legs and hold onto the cloth, fully intending to climb down, just as her legs lowered a fraction she felt the bar drop from its original position, her eyes snapped open and her back straightened, the panic had just begun to settle into her chest when she saw Shiva who was standing by the ropes, staring at her with an unknown emotion etched across his face, she locked eyes with him, silently questioning him on his actions when he slowly began pulling at the rope, her legs stayed in the split but her arms relaxed, knowing that he would easily catch her if she were to fall down, her back straightened even more, preparing her body for her landing, slowly enough she landed on the floor, still in a split, her arms by her side, she stayed still as a statue watching with anticipation and excitement as he approached her slowly.

His thoughts went haywire as he saw the challenge present in her eyes, she was still in her split as he began walking towards her at a snails pace, and finally reached her, she didn't get up even then, but simply arched her back to look up at him with a beguiling smile and eyes that sparkled with mischief and dare he say, anticipation. He sank to his knees as his arms went around her back gently straightening her body, as her position rightened once again her face rested against the middle of his chest, her hand came up and began playing with the trishul on his neck the warmth of her breath no match against the vest he wore, encouraged by her actions, one of his arms wrapped around her waist and the other went up to the back of her neck, his long fingers clutching her firmly, he pressed upon where his hand was wrapped around her neck and brought her face up from its resting position against his chest, her wide eyes looked at his in anticipation and he leant forward, his head bending until it rested against her forehead, she arched once again and their noses touched, lips only a few centimetres away from the other, and eyes locked together. Shiva finally spoke, his voice a husky whisper.

Shivi OS // Arch For Me // 18+Where stories live. Discover now