Karlie laughs before a silence settles over them, although a comfortable one. Taylor nuzzles her head beneath the model’s chin, both as a way to avoid the intense green scare as well as to have more physical contact with the younger girl. The singer knows that she could wake up like this everyday and be happy, there is no way for her to deny this. She can feel the love Karlie has for her just through her gentle caresses all along her bare flesh. Karlie isn’t grabbing at her with any greed or lust, but is simply stroking and appreciating Taylor’s body because she knows it will put Taylor at ease, make her feel safe and comfortable. It is an intimacy that Taylor has never experienced in any of her other relationships, an intimacy that she is sure most people go their whole life searching for. And here she found it, in her best friend.

“Karlie?” Taylor starts.

“Mmm,” Karlie hums, now twirling a strand of Taylor’s hair in the fingertips that aren’t rubbing Taylor’s back.

“Why can’t we just go back to how we were before? Josh doesn’t have to know,” Taylor says, ashamed of herself for asking so much of the girl. She was asking Karlie to put aside all of her values and morals, something she knows is incredibly unfair. Not only that, but it definitely goes against all of Taylor’s own values and morals that she had been so sure about before meeting Karlie. However, she can’t help but ask, and that is what surprises her most. There is nothing she wants more than Karlie, nothing she wants more than to be able to be with Karlie in whatever way feels the most right, even if it means committing many wrongs. Taylor hopes that the intimacy that she feels with the model now is  going both ways, she hopes she knows that Taylor is only asking this because of how special this feeling that they have with each other is. Maybe it is even worth taking some risks for.

Karlie only sighs in response, but not stopping her hands from adoring Taylor’s body. “You realize how annoying we are, right? We have the same argum— talk over and over again. And it always ends the same. And we both want to be with each other and we aren’t,” Karlie says, sounding tired.

“It doesn’t have to be an argument,” Taylor says, picking up on the word Karlie chose not to use. “And I know I’m why we aren’t together, and I have put you through so much, but this is still what I want,” Taylor says softly, sliding an arm up the back of Karlie’s shirt.

Karlie doesn’t say anything in response, and Taylor continues to rub Karlie’s back in the same manner the model has been doing to her. She hopes more than anything that Karlie feels the level of intimacy she feels with the girl, something that is so pure and natural that it has to be as rare as winning the lottery.

“Sorry that we’re annoying,” Taylor says, referring to what Karlie said moments before. Before Karlie can reply Taylor takes a huge chance, and shifts position to lock her lips with Karlie. She pleads with Karlie to kiss her back, not to push her away, with the pressure she applies to her lips. She isn’t getting the response she wants, and before allowing her heart to break and the intimacy of the morning shattered, she pulls away and softly adds, “But we’re worth it.”

With that, Karlie finally positively responds, and although she seems hesitant at first she loses herself in Taylor’s kiss eventually. They are kissing each other firmly, without doubts tainting the kiss. The kiss is long overdue, something they both have been craving for weeks now. There are so many words that could describe the reuniting of their lips, as they breathe into each other’s mouths, hands now greedily exploring flesh as opposed to the gentle caresses from moments ago, but the best one that can be used is right. This kiss is right.

Taylor is surprised when she feels Karlie slightly lift her off the bed to lie her on her back instead of her side. When Karlie separates their kiss to lie herself on top of Taylor, Taylor takes the opportunity to whisper, “You’re so strong.”

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