"You might remember the name Mara." Iris said.

"Oh, of course I do. What's wrong with her?" Eli wondered.

"She was brought here by Diiran one generation before yours arrived. He did this believing that it would be good for keeping The Balance, but apparently she became way more stronger than anticipated. Diiran tried to bring her back to Flockya, but he couldn't do it. She kept growing and growing, and she eventually became the goddess of darkness and something else I wouldn't want to mention."

"Hm? Is it that disturbing?"

"Well, it depends on how you see lust."

"Oh- Now I see what you're talking about."

Iris laughed a little at his reaction, and Eli noticed it. After being in such a pure world for so long, he didn't expect those kind of things to be in this world. He got himself together, and he now had a more clear image of who Mara was and make sure he didn't do certain things near her. As he thought about all of this, they magically arrived at the place where the fight had happened some time ago.

"This is where it all happened... Flockya is in great danger, Eli. I hate to bring that up to you, but we have to do something."

"Of course we have to! But... How?"

"That's what I've been trying to figure out. We have to hurry, or else the world and everyone in it is gonna have a bad time, unless they are having it already."


"Umm, Eli?"

Eli stared at the ground, and he balled up his hands as fists. He started thinking about everything and everyone, from the moment he met Skye from the moment he took Demille down along with all his friends. But most importantly, he thought about Penny. He couldn't stand imagining her in danger, and that redirected into anger against Mara. His hands were making so much pressure on himself  they were bleeding, and his eyes started glowing in a way not even he understood. He was pissed, and he wanted to release that anger.

"MARA! YOU SON OF A BITCH!" Eli said as he threw a punch against the air. But this time, it wasn't just a normal punch.

His eyes turned blue as his fist got close to his face, and the fire around him became blue as well. Instead of the punch just ending in the air, the fire around it kept moving forward and smashed into a wall. Iris freaked out and hid, and Eli felt like he needed to release his rage even more now that he was in this state. He kept punching the air, which ended up making a bunch of cracks in a wall and crumbling it apart. Before he could comprehend what was happening, his eyes turned orange again and he felt weak.

"What the hell did I just... do?" He asked as he fell to the floor.

"Eli! Are you ok!?" Iris asked as she rushed to check on him.

He took a deep breath, and he slowly got up as he felt his energy come back. He looked at his hands and try to see if something in him had changed, but they looked as usual. He was confused, but he had other things to focus on that were more important.

"... Yeah, I think so."

"That was amazing... But you scared me there for a second."

"Did I? I'm sorry! I really didn't mean to!"

"Wait, no, it's ok! I can tell not even you understood what happened there. Let's hope it can happen again so we can comprehend it!"

"Sounds good to me! But... I did a bit of a mess, didn't I?"

He looked around and saw the place was full of crumbles of the wall he had just broken. He sighed as he was sorry for the damage he had done. He looked at the ground, and he felt something tap his shoulder. He thought it was just Iris asking for his attention, so he just turned around. However, she was just standing there like if nothing had happened. He was confused, but then he felt it again. It then happened again in his other shoulder, and then on his head. He started to get mad at it, so he looked up to see what it was. And as soon as he did, he noticed something above him.

"Wait... Iris, what is that?" Eli asked as he pointed upwards.

"Oh? What are you talking abo-"

Iris and Eli were shocked as they figured out what was happening above them. It was a strange portal that seem to be hidden behind the wall. It also looked like Eli's home, and he couldn't help noticing this right away.

"Wait, is that... Flockya! My home!" Eli said shocked.

"I don't know how, but I think you broke the barrier within our universes... Well, I guess that's how we're going to fix the problem Mara started." Iris said.

"Then what are we waiting for!? Let's go!" He said as he started flying towards the portal.

"Wait, no!"

Iris suddenly created a blast of wind that pushed Eli away from the portal. He fell to the floor, and was confused by what she had done.

"Ow! What the hell was that for!?"

"We can't just go in there like this! Gods are not meant to have contact with children of Light unless they are ready to ascend!"

"Wait... Really?"

"Yeah, only Samira can be in constant contact with them because she takes care of them. I guess I can't blame you if you didn't know, maybe Diiran forgot to tell you as he usually does."

"Heh, I guess that says a lot about him." He said as he chuckled.

"Anyways! If we want to go, we have to go undercover."

Iris suddenly flew upwards and grabbed two shiny stars from the sky. She placed one in her chest, and she placed the other one in Eli's. They started shining and transforming their look, to the point where they looked completely different from before.

"Woah... I actually really like this outfit!" Eli said really surprised.

"I wouldn't want you to wear something you wouldn't be comfy with, so I just created something simple!" Iris said as she fixed her new cape into place. As she did, Eli noticed their masks were identical, so he thought about a few things they could do to fool others when they went to Flockya.

"Oh! Maybe we could pretend we're brothers since we look similar! If you're fine with it, of course." Eli suggested.

"O- Oh... S- Sure. If you want to..." Iris replied.

"Hm? Are you sure? You sounded a bit uncomfortable with it..."

"Di- Did I? Ah, sorry! My mind was somewhere else, but I really like your idea."

"Alright then!"

Eli took the bandage that was in his head and wrapped it around his hand. He was ready for a great adventure, and he knew it wasn't going to be a simple one. With that in mind, he looked at Iris and got prepared.

"Ready to go?" Eli asked.

"I was born ready..." Iris answered.

With that said, Eli took Iris's hand and they flew into the portal. Even though they had a main objective, Eli couldn't get over the idea that he could somehow be able to see Penny and the others again. And with that thought, he caught a smile and kept flying towards a little island he had lived in before.

More Than A God (IV)Where stories live. Discover now