Chapter Two: Meet Libby!

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(Six years later]

[UTAH,  MAY 5, 1975]

Geppetto (narrator): Libby is a Jewish orphaned girl whose parents have died since she was 11 years old. She lives in St. Mary's Home for Orphaned Children. Mother Superior is the strict headmistress who puts Libby to sleep in her own bed as punishment. And Andrea Davenport is at the top bunk, she was forced to sleep barefoot.

Geppetto Torres: I must call that orphan.

[phone calls]

Libby: Hello!

Geppetto: You must come to Tennessee and adopt you.

Libby: Goodbye, Mother Superior.

Mother Superior: Aww, sh[beep]!

Geppetto[narrator]: And so, Libby travels isolated to Tennessee by bus. But, she was excited to meet me. By that time, as soon as Libby gets to Nashville, TN, she goes straight to the funeral home (my workshop) on time.

Libby: Hello!

Geppetto Torres: Hi, there. What's your name?

Libby: My name is Libby.

Geppetto Torres: Libby! So good to see you that I'm going to be your father. Thank you, Blue Fairy. Whatever you are! (chuckles)

                                                   TORRES FUNERAL HOME                                                                                                                                                   NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE                                                                                                                                                      21:00PM

[As Geppetto tucks his daughter, Libby in her metal bed.]

Geppetto: Goodnight, Libby! Sweet dreams!

Libby: Goodnight, Dad!

Geppetto: Goodnight, daughter. Now you sleep tight. Then I'll see you in the morning! You're going to school tomorrow!

[The camera zooms a little of the facade of the Torres Funeral Home]

Libby: Father!

Geppetto: What the f(beep)k?

Libby: Do you have a last name?

Geppetto: Shut up!

                                                    TORRES FUNERAL HOME                                                                                                                                                    NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE                                                                                                                                                           October 1, 1975

Geppetto (narrator): All right so I did sleep so well! But who cares? I had a daughter unique and all the world, so that every girl could trace her family tree to a tree.

Libby: Good morning!

Geppetto: Look at me, I'm going to your orphanage in Utah. While I'm at school, so when you come home, you clean all the coffins and all the squalid things.

                                               MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. MAGNET HIGH SCHOOL                                                                                                                  NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE                                                                                                                                                         October 2, 1975

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