Sibling rivalry

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Sibling rivalry

In the attic, Pugsley is testing a full-sized guillotine. A watermelon has been placed in the guillotine. Wednesday stands beside
the guillotine.

She held a parchment scroll in her hands.

"Death! Death to the enemies of the people of the Republic!"

The blade slams down, decapitating the watermelon.

"Hoorah! Justice is served!Bring forward the evil queen!"

Pugsley exits, and returns pulling a crude wooden wagon.

In the wagon was the baby, dressed as Marie Antoinette during her final days.

The baby wears a dishevelled powdered wig his face has been powdered dead white with red lips and a prominent black beauty mark. He wears a flowing lace gown, clearly once elegant but now tattered to top it off he is blindfolded.

Wednesday turns to the baby.

"You have betrayed the people of France! You are evil incarnate! How đo you plead?"

Pugsley holds up the baby, he hides his head behind the baby and speaks in a high-pitched voice.


"Guilty! By her own admiss The sentence is death! Executioner place her on the

Pugsley places the baby in the guillotine.

"One... two..."

Suddenly Mortica's voice is heard.

"Children what are you doing in there?"

The children yell to their mother.



Pugsley lets the blade fall.

At the last second just before the blade hits the baby's tiny arn jerks up, and his hand stops the blade.

He obviously has alchemys reflexes.

"Woe to the Republic!" Wednesday amends.

They need a new plan.


Plan two and Night has fallen, Wednesday and Pugsley stood at the edge of the roof.

Wednesday holds the baby and Pugsley holds a cannonball.

"The baby weighs ten pounds, The cannonball weighs twenty pounds. Which will hit the stone walkway first?" Wednesday asked her brother who scratched his head.

"I'm Still on fractions."

"Which do you think?"

"The cannonball" Pugsley guessed.

"Very good. But which one will bounce?"

"The baby?"

"There's only one way to find out, Ready?"




They, drop the baby and the cannonball over the side of the house.


Lurch is gardening he sprays some large flowers not notching the baby and the cannonbali plumneting toward

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