A Horrible day at a horrible school..

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I wake up to my Parents arguing again. Honestly It's getting annoying; sometimes it goes on for hours. I Get Ready for school, and just walked out the door. I forgot to grab some food, but I don't care. I got to the Bus stop and waited, and some of the other children were waiting. They Started staring at me weirdly, (5 minutes later)I see the bus pulling up (Thank god) I hurried on and went to the back to sit on my own. As we arrive At the school I take my time walking into the building. I purposely wait 5 minutes till class starts to enter.((Sorry It's Cringe))

Teacher: (middle of taking attendance)


Teacher: Y/n?                                                                                                                                                                             no answer

Teacher: Y/n If you can hear me answer, If your out in the hallway get in here.

I slowly open the door and tell her that I'm sorry and that I just got here.
She lets me off this time and told me to go sit down I sat in the back by the window. I didn't pay attention In class. Eventually I fell Asleep I believe it was 20 minutes later I got woken up by the teacher and she scolded me because I slept (I mean its not entirely my fault).

Teacher1: Y/n This is the 6th time you've slept in My class the next time you sleep in here I'll Give you a detention 

(Whatever If I stay here any longer I'm going to get one). I get up and leave. I hear her yell after me. (3 hours later) On our little break we can go outside or some where on Campus. So I decided to sit at the back of the school, Carving the wood from a branch I found, then these two girls came up to me and asked what I was doing. Of course I didn't respond because it was obvious.

Jessica: I asked you a question.

I Just glanced at her and went back to carving. She picked me up and held me against the wall, My blade and my branch dropped to the ground. I didn't bother looking at her, instead I looked towards the forest.

Annie: Hey Jess what if we teach her a lesson.

Jessica: hmm..We could just leave her in there *she points to the forest*

"Oh no I'm so scared of trees". I say sarcastically..I earned myself a punch in the stomach..
Honestly I wouldn't mind staying in the forest it seems really peaceful 

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