Chapter 1 - ISABEL

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 "$500,000!" Susan, my best friend, is standing next to me and still can't believe it. She's jumping, shrieking, cheering.

We're in Las Vegas and I hit the jackpot about 30 minutes ago. I bet my last $1000 on 13. My lucky number. Susan said I was insane, we could use the money in other ways. But I wanted it that way. And I was, for a change, right. Because 13 came up and now I own half a million.

"Shout even louder. Do you really want a gun under your nose?" I try to calm Susan down. Just because I suddenly have so incredibly much money, the whole world doesn't have to know.

"What are you doing with all that money?"

"I don't know. Eat something first."

"Food? How can you think of food now?"

Okay, Susan is my best friend, but sometimes we're like night and day. She can never eat when she's excited, I can always eat. Fortunately, I don't get fat. I can eat when, what and how much I want, I keep my very feminine figure.

"I am hungry. Let's go over there." I point across the street. A neon sign points to delicious food next to the usual advertisements for gaming tables and vending machines.

"If I eat any more, the dress will burst." Susan whines, but I'm already on my way. We're both wearing black cocktail dresses. Mine is tight and the skirt goes to just above the knee. Susan's has a swingy skirt and hides her belly. My feet hurt from the pumps. I wonder how Susan can stand it with her spiked heels.

We are in Vegas for the weekend. Susan is newly divorced. Divorce is not usually a cause for celebration, but her ex-husband was a real asshole.

We cracked open our savings accounts, booked two tickets and flew out. And now I'm standing here and I've won $500,000 and I can hardly believe it. I'm a secretary in a doctor's office and I live in Boston. An expensive place. My salary is usually just enough to cover the running costs and my living expenses. I don't even have a car.

Susan is a little better off, she is a nurse in an emergency room and married a doctor. The one she just divorced.

"Look, there's an auction going on here." We are led to a table by a waitress and Susan has discovered the stage. Now a stage is nothing special especially in Las Vegas, but on this one there is a lectern and a banner with the inscription "Auction today" hangs above it.

"Fine, then we'll have something to watch while we eat."

"Would you like a bidding number?" The waitress puts the obligatory water on the table for us. "Only $50."

I exchange a quick glance with Susan, then nod. Why not, I have enough money. The woman returns a moment later with two hands. They are made of green cardboard and attached to wooden handles. They have numbers written on them. I give the waitress $100 and accept the bidding hands. Mine has a 13 on it.

"Susan, 13 again, maybe I'll win more today?"

"You and your 13. I never get it."

"I was born on a Friday the 13th. I don't have any other choice."

We order some food and talk about all sorts of things. Most of all, we have the wildest fantasies about what to do with my winnings. I cash out $5,000, and the casino transfers the rest to my account. It would be pure madness to walk around with half a million dollars. 

"This must be something really crazy you can buy here." Susan points to the ever-growing crowd of people gathering in the restaurant and especially in front of the stage.

"Maybe a handbag that a celebrity once wore or something. Look, they're all women."

It's getting exciting. The lights dim and a spotlight lights up on stage, shining on the lectern. A man in a suit walks on stage and the crowd jeers.

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