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Once there was a couple gifted with beautiful twins, a boy and a girl. And although they were poor and resides in the farthest area in their village, they were happy. For years they have stayed in their little home and had not dared to set foot outside their village. One day, to celebrate the 8th birthday of their lovely twins, the family decided to visit a nearby town where a circus was said to perform. Filled with excitement, the happy family rode the bus in hope to witness an amazing entertainment. But as the vehicle drove on the highway, the back wheel burst causing the driver to loose control of the bus.

The bus fell down the cliff loosing many of its passengers, including the couple. But there were a few who survived, two of which were the young wounded twins. The tragic accident was quickly reported all over the world which led to the discovery of the deceased couple's identity: Kim Sandara, the suppose-to-be heiress of the worldly famous Kim Industry, who was reported to have gone missing for 9 years. And the man, Kim Jaejoong, an average business man who was previously an employee of the Kim Industry.

The twins sustained severe injuries, making them unconscious and hospitalized for months. And while they were comatose, the two feuding family from each side of their parents had undergone court trials to decide who would be the legal guardian of the children. The trial lasted for a month, and since no one would like to give up the children, it was decided that the twin shall be living separately. The boy was taken by their mother's family while the girl was taken to Japan and was raised by her father's relative.

And so, when the twins woke up, they were no longer at each other's side. Kim Jisoo, the 8 year old girl, could only helplessly cry when she learned of her parents' death and that she might not be able to see her beloved brother for a long time. Being a young girl she is, Kim Jisoo could not understand why she and her brother needs to be apart. Why? Why would her grandparents from her mom's and dad's side couldn't just be friends? She was helpless and couldn't do anything.

Somehow, Jisoo couldn't feel entirely sad since she's got her grandfather taking care of her, and of course the hundreds of clansmen serving her father's family. And when we say clansmen, it means the yakuza members who offered their service to her grandfather, who is the 6th generation head (kumichou) of the Yamaguchi-gumi clan, the most notorious and fearsome yakuza in Asia.

Normally, people who knew of this clan would tremble in fear when they meet them. But Jisoo doesn't even know what a yakuza is, not until she turned 15 years old and became the 'princess' of the clan. She was even called the next head of the Yamaguchigumi. Jisoo was clueless about these things at first. She didn't even realize that all her deadly trainings were not at all common and is not a norm in the society. When she came to realize that she's part of a dangerous family, she was just amazed and thankful that she is part of the clan and that she knows how to fight.

Kim Jisoo grew up strong and brave, and when she turned 18, the news of her brother's whereabouts made her excited. For that one news, she was keen to travel to Korea and meet him. It was hard to look for clues about her brother when all the information about him is well guarded by a powerful business family. But Jisoo does not plan to give up. And so, with her grandfather's blessings, Jisoo flew to South Korea and was able to register as a transfer student in YG academy. But, at all cost, she must not reveal her identity as a yakuza to anyone, because of she does, she will be forced to leave YG academy.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2021 ⏰

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