Severus Snape

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“I’m afraid that's my doing professor. I had to keep her behind for something, please excuse her tardiness.”  You tried to keep your voice from breaking.  Severus noticed your slightly upset behavior and raised an eyebrow at you.  

“Very well.  Please take your seat and get the notes from someone.”  He turned back to say something to you but you had already disappeared from the classroom.  

You ran down the hall to your office with tears in your eyes.  When you reached your office you closed the door locking it and wailed.  He hated you, he was going to hate you the moment you told him the truth.  You thought you could trust him, thought he could love you despite your illness but you were wrong.  He hated everything about you and his views wouldn't change.  Even if he claimed they did, you could never be sure whether it was true or if it was just because he felt bad for you.  You were hurt, he was the first person you had ever even thought about telling your secret to.  Now you know it was a mistake and the moment you told him he’d leave you.  You would have had to tell him anyway but it still hurt.

Hours had passed without you knowing, your cries were reduced to tearless sobs.  You didn’t have any tears left.  You let your head rest on your desk, you felt weak.  The full moon was tomorrow night and you had been taking your weakening potion.  It kept you from getting too strong during the full moon so you couldn’t hurt anyone.  It makes you tired, weak and moody. You heard the lock on the door snap open, you didn’t lift your head, just your eyes to see who it was. It was Severus.  Now you had to tell him the truth knowing he would leave you. 

“My darling, what's wrong?”  Severus asked, kneeling in front of you.  You sniffled and lifted your head to look at him.

“I have to tell you something.”  You whispered.

“I know my love but you said it was nothing bad.”  

“I didn’t think it was, until I heard what you said earlier.”

“Earlier?  What did I say earlier?  The only time I’ve seen you today was when you brought Miss Smith to class.  What did I say?”  He thought back to your interaction.  Yes he was a little stern but he didn’t think you took it so personal.  “Love, if my sternness hurt you I’m sorry you know I would never knowingly hurt you. I love you.”

“Not that.  It’s not that.  It's what you said before that in class.”

“My lecture on werewolves?  Did I say something wrong?” 

“No… You gave your opinion. I guess I just thought that it would be different.”  You mumbled.

“Different.  Darling, I don't understand what I’ve done.”  

“You’ll hate me Sev, you hate me I already know you do.”  You started to cry again.  

“What no, no.  You know I love you.  More than I have ever loved anyone.”  He argued, wiping your tears.

“I heard it, I heard you, you hate me.”  You sobbed in his arms.  

“Y/N, I love you, I don’t understand.”  

“I’m a werewolf, Severus.  That's what I wanted to tell you.  I-I was waiting to tell you until I knew for sure you wouldn’t abandon me like so many others have.  But your opinion on ugly disgusting creatures like me has already been set and I can’t change it… If you want to go, I won’t blame you.  I wouldn’t want to be with something like me either.  I waited so long to tell you because I was so afraid I’d lose you, but I understand why you wouldn’t want to be with an animal.  Honestly it probably would have been less painful if you just killed me on sight like you want to.  I’ll be out in the forbidden forest tomorrow night if you want to test your aim.”  You wept weakly.  Head falling in pain and shame.  

“You are no monster.  The monster in the room is the person kneeling in front of you.”  Severus stated firmly.  “I am so sorry for making you feel this way.  You're right my opinion on werewolves was set a long time ago by a werewolf who almost killed me.  Someone who bullied me, but that's no excuse.  You are your own person and I should not have judged a whole species based on one person.  It was wrong of me.  I have never met another werewolf so I suppose I had nothing to compare him to.  But I have you and you are the most loving person I have ever met and nothing no matter how big or how small will ever change how much I love you.  I’m so sorry.  I never wanted to be the person who hurt you and I promise I never will be again.  Please forgive me, you're the only person in the world I care about and I don’t have it in me to lose you.”  He pleaded, taking your hands and kissing them.

“I don’t want you to think you have to be with me just because you feel bad.”

“I love you.  I am an idiot, and you have already changed the way I see things, I was wrong.  Please forgive me, please don’t leave me, please love me.”  You put your hands on his cheeks and smiled.  

“I will always love you Severus, I will never leave you and I forgive you.”  He smiled at you, pulling you into his arms. 

Severus brood you the same potion he brood Remus every month, this way you didn’t have to take the weakening potion.  He felt it was sweet of you to put yourself through so much pain, weakness, and tiredness to make sure that you didn’t hurt anyone else.  He felt like a complete asshole after what he said and he made sure to correct himself in front of the class the next day.  It took a lot for him to do so, but he would do anything for you.  

The full moon hit and it of course took a toll on you.  Severus was waiting patiently as he could outside the castle to help you but he was so worried about you.  In the early hours of the morning you wandered back onto the school grounds, naked, tired and weak.  You couldn’t even make it to where Severus was standing.  You collapsed in the cold ground, Severus quickly wrapped you in a blanket and carried you back to your room.  He ran you a bath with some essential oils and set you inside letting you soak.  He gently washed you and got some water to keep you hydrated.  

“My sweet, how are you feeling?”  He asked rinsing the soap off your arms.

“Sore, but I’ll live.”  Your voice wasn’t above a whisper.

“Soak until the water cools down then I’ll help you dress and take you to bed.  You need your rest.”  He said kissing your head.  

“I love you, Severus.”  You smiled weakly at him.

“I love you too, my sweet.”  

He did as he had said and helped you dress then carried you to bed after the water had run cold.  Later that night he cuddled you and gave you a potion to dull the pain and help you relax.  He had been the person to make you feel the most love in the world, even though there was a point he made you feel like a monster, but he swore to himself he would never hurt you like that again.

Sorry for all the Severus he's just so easy to write for since he's from a world of infinite possibilities.

I'll be posting an Ed the Painter smut one next.

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