willes diary

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i miss your umber eyes that sparkle with the midday sun. your purple hoodie that once brought me warmth, leaves as just a segment of the past. i miss when we first met. my eyes drifted into your gaze as you sung your heart out. i caught a glimpse of the passion you radiate within anything you partake in. and slowly, that passion became me. the way you held me that morning after the scandal. the way you saved me from the soccer pitch when i was as high as a kite. and that final embrace out the front of Hilleska, i will never forget. you looked so good that day simon. your hair was slicked back with your favorite gel and you smelt like vanilla pods from madagascar. as soon as "jag älskar dig" left my lips, i saw your smile fade and your eyes drift away from mine. i do wish that you had said it back, but you couldn't, and thats fine.

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