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Addison pov. I was sitting with willa at lunch. She was looking at bucky. Not in a bad way. She looked at him the way I look at zed. With love and passion. Since bucky was my cousin I'm gonna tell him about it.

Addison. Hey bucky

Bucky. Hey addy

Addison. You see the way willa is looking at you

Bucky. Yeah I'm  looking at her the same way

Addison. If you like her go tell her.

Bucky. I cant,wyatt and wynter are literally threatening to beat me up if I even talk to her

Addison. Why?

Bucky. The alpha can only mate with a wolf and I'm  human

Addison. Why cant she mate with a human

Bucky. All of the alpha are true pure wolves. When willa becomes old she will need her true blood werewolf child to take over. If we date and get married then have kids she will get a half human werewolf. Some reason the alpha has to be pure.

Addison. Then don't have kids

Bucky. Werewolves have to mate and what if I get her pregnant by accident. I did here her saying she was trying to convince her dad to change the profecises and let the be half wolf half human alpha.

Addison. I don't  care we will fight this now go ask her she's clearly into you

Bucky pov. I thought about asking her out and I decided I would. I ran up to willa. I have something to tell you willa. What is it she ask. I blushed and muttered out I like you willa like wanna date you so you wanna maybe be my girlfriend. Willa blushed and blurted out yes yes 100000000000000000 YES!

Wyatt. What is going on here

Willa. Bucky and I are dating

Wyatt. No your not your not dating a human dad doesn't allow it

Willa. I asked him he'll say he willa allow it

Wyatt. He's lying your own parents left you to  die in the woods so why would he do anything for you. You should die

Wynter. Ok that's  harsh wyatt but don't date a human he'll hurt you

Willa. No bucky wouldn't and I hate you guys stop being overprotective I'm  older and don't tell me how to live my life and wyatt I wish I died in the forest so I would never have to see your stupid,ugly,annoying self same to you wynter. God I wish you guys were never born

*ran of with bucky*

Bucky. Willa hey breath *hugged her*

Willa. They're so annoying why wont they just stop controlling everything I do

Bucky. Yeah they are annoying but what was that part about your parents leaving you

Willa. My parents had me when they were teens. They were part of the pack then one day they didn't want me anymore so they ran away and left me miles away from the wolf den. I was about 3 months old. Then wyatt's mom found me I was left in a diaper in a pile of leaves I had ant bites all over me and I was crying. So that day wyatt's parents took me in. I nearly died.

Bucky. Ohhhh that is so sad*hugged her and kissed her cheek *but how are you alpha

Willa. Every 100 years they change alpha and wyatt and I were the nominees and I got picked. Even though he lost ge was still nice to me. Ohhh no how I fell bad I have to go say sorry then make addison do something more to show I'm  very sorry

Bucky. I didn't now that but go say sorry then

Willa. No I'm  not gonna say sorry I should get an apology they were mean to me first I should fight them in the mud pits

Bucky. Ummm ok sounds unsanitary but anyway you need to be away from them for a little come to my house

The end of this chapter

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