Fleeting Beauty

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~Fleeting Beauty~

The roar of waves ramming the ferry was drowned out only by the chatter and laughter of its passengers. A child, about 10 years old, leaned over the railing of the boat in deep thought. The wind caressed his teal locks, as his matching eyes reflected the sea. He stood there for hours. Simply thinking.

When they were almost there, something caught the eye of the boy. A flash of yellow. Fascinated, he ran to the end of the boat to get a better look. In wonderment, he watched as a serpent sliced through the waves, its pink head contrasting against the rippling water.

Its blue tail flicked the surface of the ocean, and droplets of water fell around it. The sun's rays caused the air around the majestic beast to sparkle.

The boy was taken aback by the creature's stunning beauty, and continued to watch it well after it had faded away into the horizon.

The ferry eventually pulled up to a small dock. Exiting the ship, the boy smiled and adjusted his hat as he looked up upon Knot, an island. The child approached the ticket booth, his chin just barely reaching the counter.

The ticket man smiled down at the boy, "Can I help you?"

He nodded, "When is the ferry to Kin Island?"

Consulting a small chart taped to the top of the counter, the man spoke, "It leaves in.....Two hours," he smiled again at the turquoise haired boy, "That's a while off. There's as beach south of here. Maybe you can play in the sand to pass the time?"

The boy nodded again and, without a word, started heading towards the direction that the ticket man indicated. Whilst walking, he absentmindedly pulled a pokeball from his belt. Tossing it lightly, in a flash of white light a Spheal popped out.

The bouncing blue and yellow ball grinned joyously and circled his trainer, "Spheal, spheal!" He beamed back in return.

The two of them ran down to the beach. Reaching the swelling shores, they threw themselves into the waves, splashing and laughing together. The water baby pokemon rolling about with great joy as the child played about. Then, the idea struck him.

What was better than two?


So from his belt, he unclipped a single pokeball which he had treasured and opened it up with a blazing grin, "Goldeen!" The goldfish like creature bounced out and nearly into the Spheal. The three grinned like a bunch of idots and played as if time was nothing, happiness filling their hearts.

Though it was a crash that caught their attention. All moving in sync to where the water splash originated, far past the bluffs of the beach. Unconsciously, the three seemed curious, and began to meander over to the area. They swam in a nervous silence across the sea's pull and into a hidden space where a man in blue coat stood.

Beside him was a gourgeous beast that the teal haired boy recalled from earlier.

The man and his Pokemon seemed to be in the midst of training, but it was unlike anything the boy had seen before. It was so....Beautiful.

He looked on in awe as the duo manipulated water using attacks, every single movement having purpose and meaning behind it. "Twister!" The man ordered. His partner then began to spin its tail in the water, like a propeller, causing the ocean to build up into a mini hurricane. Before the attack could die down, the man called out another move, "Recover!"

The serpent then began to glow gold, eminating light from its body which in turn reflected through the water, each drop acting as a prism to amplify the glow.

Wide eyed and mouth agape, the boy stood there frozen to the spot until the incandescence died down. Then he broke into applause.

The man turned his head slightly, his eyes flashing confusion but his mouth turned at the corners in amusement. When he saw the child before him his face softened, "Did you enjoy our little show?"

"Yeah!" The boy stretched his arms out as far as they could go, "I like it this much!" Goldeen and Spheal jumped up and down on either side of him in agreement.

The man laughed, "Well I'm glad! It means that we're obviously doing something right." The large serpent bowed its head, seemingly pleased with the praise.

Biting his lip, the boy kicked at the sand, "If you don't mind me asking," He pointed at the creature behind the man, "What kind of Pokemon is that?"

He smiled, "It's a Milotic."

"It's so beautiful..." The little boy clenched his fists and looked up and the man with pure determination filling his eyes, "I want to be just like you when I grow up! I want to be beautiful too!"

"Oh really?"


The man looked the small trainer straight into his teal eyes, "Then would you consider becoming my apprentice?"

The boy's face instantly filled up with hope, "Are you serious?!"


"Yes!" The boy yelled as he fist pumped the air.

The man ran his fingers through his black and white hair, "I must warn you, however, that the path to greatness will be difficult."

Beaming, the boy's determination never wavered, "I don't care as long as I have you to teach me!"

"Well then," The man held his hand out, "I am Juan."

The boy took Juan's hand eagerly, "My name is Wallace!"

Juan smiled, "It's a pleasure to meet you Wallace. You like my Milotic, yes?"


Ruffling through his coat pockets, Juan pulled out a Pokeball, "Then here." He threw it to the eager child.

Wallace had no hesitation releasing his newest companion, yet his face fell when the light died down to reveal a raggedy brown fish, with pink lips too big for its face and tattered blue fins. He made a face at it, and in disgust, said, "It's so ugly."

Juan smirked knowingly, "That, my child, is a Feebas."

Wallace glared at his new mentor, "That doesn't make it any less ugly."

"Don't you know that it's what's on the inside that matters? Beauty is superficial and fleeting."

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