A women with brown hair and brown eyes opens the door.

"Yes?" she asks.

"Hi, I'm Caitlin Sanchez. I'm an interior designer and I'm here to design your house for free."

"Oh, awesome, alright. Well, come on in." she smiles and steps aside.

Addison is in the living room. She looks so much younger than fifteen.

She wipes away her tears.

"I'm going to need the information on the house." I say.

"Yes, of course!" she walks into the kitchen.

I do something that would make Jace proud.

I grab Addison, clamp my hand over her mouth, and drag her out the front door.

She fights my grasp.

"Relax." I whisper. "Calm down. Don't scream."

I rip my phone out of my pocket and show her the screen, a picture of Jace and I at his work.

She relaxes in my arms.

"I'm saving you from your mother." I whisper. "Now run. I'm not getting my ass thrown in jail in in England."

She grabs my hand and runs with me to the taxi. I hear sirens.
"Airport! Hurry!"

The guy steps on it.

He pulls up at the airport and I rush out with Addison. We run up to gate ten just as the close the gate for our flight. We get on, and I let out a calming breath when we're safe in the air.

"Is your name Rylee?" she asks.

"Yes." I say.

"My brother loves you." she whispers.

"I know." I say.

"You broke his heart."

"I know."

"Why are you saving me?"

"Because your brother hit rock bottom because of me." I shrug.


When we get to Providence, I text Emily. She says everyone is at her house, plus an entire family.

It's ten in the morning and we were on that plane for twelve hours.

I ride in the taxi with Addison.

The taxi pulls up in front of Emily and Andrews.

I hear people laughing in the backyard.

I walk with Addison, and just walk in the house.

Charlotte is sitting on the floor and a women with red hair is trying to calm her.

"MOMMY!" Charlotte screams. She jumps up.

"Hi honey!" I grin, picking her up.

"Addi?" Jace blurts. "Rylee?"

Jace looks at me with a look I can't decipher.

"Addi, how'd you get away?" Jace asks.

"I uh, well, I can't ever go to England because there's a warrant out for me arrest." I bite my lip.

"What'd you do?" a guy asks.

I look at him.

His hair is reddish brown and he has lines by his eyes from smiling.

He's the same guy that held my mothers hand when she gave birth to me.

The same guy that was ripped away from me when I was a child.

The Bad Boy is MineOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz