Chapter One

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Isla could hear the music, and the loud people from the party by the house she was approaching. Her black hair was braided and laid comfortable down her back, her chocolate brown eyes shined in the night sky as she glanced down the street - noticing her three friends standing behind a tall fence, staring at the people dancing on the other side.

"What are you guys doing?" Isla questioned, and her three friends jumped at the sound of her voice.

"Waiting for Cesar" Monse spoke up, moving to the side so Isla could stand beside her. "Do you see him? I don't see him"

"Something bad is happening. I can feel it" Jamal spoke with a serious voice. "I knew this was a dumb idea"

"Pop a zannie, J" Ruby spoke smugly. "We can't see him 'cause he's being stealth"

"No doubt. He's got this. When has Cesar ever disappointed?" Monse questioned, glancing at her friends.

"Mmm, fourth grade. Kickball tourney. We lost" Jamal told her, raising his eyebrow.

"Only 'cause I picked the kid with no skills. And I'd pick you again" A familiar voice spoke from behind them, and Isla turned to see Cesar standing there with five bottles of beer. "Loyalty trumps victory, compa"

Cesar handed them all a beer, and Isla opened hers before noticing one of her brothers at the party.

"Por supuesto que el esta aqui" She whispered to herself. (Of course he is here)

"Take it in" Cesar told them, glancing around at the people dancing. "This is about to be us. This is high school"

They all took a sip of the beers, and grimaced at the bitter taste. Isla held the beer away from her and sat it down. "Gross"

"Ruby, you think your brother's gonna marry Angelica?" Monse asked him, glancing towards the couple, who were dancing and making out.

"No idea. Mario tells me jack" Ruby shrugged.

"What about that time he said Angelica has a dangler?" Jamal laughed, and a giggle escaped Isla's lips. "But he said that"

"In private! Time and place, dude" Ruby glared at him, before smirking at a girl across the yard. "Oh, guys, check out Huerita at nine o'clock... Monse, if you were a girl-"

"She is a girl, idiota" Isla spoke at the same time as Monse said. "I am a girl"

"Yeah, but if you were a girl like that, would you wear underwear?" Ruby finished, and the girls rolled their eyes at him.

"Oh, my god, I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die" Jamal started repeating, getting into his nerves football spirals.

"Why are you gonna die?" Isla questioned him with a confused face.

"Those guys play for the 'Ridge" He spoke, gesturing towards a few guys. "Did you know that last year alone over a quorum of kids-"

"Died playing football?" Monse interrupted. "You're stuck on repeat. So, don't play"

"No choice. My pops was a legend. It's family tradition" Jamal argued back, shaking his head. "I'm dead" He walked away from the fence, breathing heavily as he putted his hands on his knees.

"You're not dead" Isla pointed out, following after him.

"Football spiral?" Cesar questioned, jumping down from the spot they stood on. "Jamal, CTE is not your future"

"Guys, check out my game. Huerita just gave me the nod" Ruby smirked and turned to look at them, before a hand grabbed around his throat from the other side of the fence.

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