The game begins

16 1 0

He has a choice between a red and blue ddakji he chooses the red one as it's his favourite Color.

His supposedly old friend places his ddakji on the floor and seconds later Gi-hun throws his ddakji to the floor and succeeds at flipping it.

About 15 mins later gi-hun managed to flip the blue ddakji 24 times were the other player only succeed 1.

They agreed on ending the game and just a as gi hun goes to get in his train the man stops him and passes him what looked like a Business Card it had a circle triangle and a square on it on the back read 953-693-836.

He got on his train and as it started moving he dropped the card. He ran around the train trying to catch the card as he was desperate to see what would happen when he called the number...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2021 ⏰

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