when theo speaks again, his voice sounds strained. like a starving man that can see water a few paces in front of him but doesn't know if he'll make it. "what was that, pearl?"

before she can think, she turns around to face theo and then her lips are on his. he gasps into the kiss, freezing for a moment before putting his hands on her lower back and pulling her close. hears him groan as she reaches her hand down to cup his growing hard-on. their lips move against each other as blaise watches until pearl pulls away, leaving theo to try and chase her lips.

her eyes are shut and her forehead rests against theo's shoulder when she asks, "what do you want me to do, blaise?"

"take off his clothes, then give him a show of taking off yours." she can hear the smile in his voice. she feels blaise step out from behind her, moving to stand where he can see both of them.

her fingers go up to theo's first button on his shirt. she's about to unbutton it when she lifts her gaze to his. "are you sure you want this, theo?" she asks.

theo just smiles. "i'm sure. are you?"

pearl nods then looks over to her boyfriend. "any of us can stop this at any time, yes?"

"yes," blaise answers. he waits a moment before conjuring a chair. sits down and spreads his leg, showing the growing bulge in his pants.

pearl looks back to theo. she starts to undo his shirt and once it's fully unbuttoned, he goes to pull it off but blaise stops him.

"stop," blaise says, causing theo to stop his movement suddenly and his eyes to get slightly wider. "let her do it for you, theodore. don't rush it, we have all the time in the world."

she watches as theo nods his head and gulps. slowly, she brings her hand to press against his stomach. her fingers trace over the lines that shape his abs. "fucking quiditch players," she mutters as her hands go to his shoulders, pushing his shift off of him and to the floor.

her hands run along his chest, up and down as theo inhales deeply, eyes fluttering shut as his head tilts back.

noticing his reaction, she laughs quietly. hands come down to his belt, unclipping it then pulling it out of the loops of his trousers. she goes for the button and zipper next, leaving silence for the sound of the metal teeth coming undone to sound around them. she then asks, "do you like when i touch you theo?" she drops to her knees before him, pulling down his trousers and helping him out of them. as she stands, her fingers trail up the sides of his legs, stopping at the waistband of his boxers. her nails lightly trace over it.

"y-yes," he breathes. "i like your touch." his breath hitches on his last words as pearl's hand goes into his boxers to strock him slowly. he drawls out a "fuck" as his head comes down to rest on her shoulder.

she brings her free hand to comb through his hair. his hips move slowly to meet her hand. groaning lightly against her neck, he places light kisses on her skin. pearl lets this continue for a minute more until she pulls away and steps back.

theo's knees nearly collapse as her touch retracts. he whines, earning a laugh from blaise. "she's barely done anything and you're practically high off her, aren't you pretty boy?"

theo's face twists with what seems to be pain as his eyes close. "please," he begs. "I⏤"

"sit down, theodore," blaise cuts him off. "let her give you a show."

a chair appears behind him, and he falls back into it. legs spread as his hands anxiously rake through his hair.

he looks up and sees pearl in front of him. his eyes follow her hands as they move to her tie. her hand tugs at the knot of the blue and bronze tie until it comes undone. pulling it out of the collar, she hands it to blaise, saying, "will you want this for later?"

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