In Love With An Alien? - Gone

Start from the beginning

“Shit.” I swore, I told Rogue I would be back in an hour but by the looks of it I must have been gone for at least 7 hours.

“What is the matter with you?” My sister called after me as I rushed past her.

I hope he was ok, someone as injured as him shouldn’t be left alone for that long what if he bled to death. I’m so stupid I scolded myself as I took the stairs three at a time.

“Where are you going?” My dad asked as I opened the front door.

“I’ll be right back.” I shouted back so that he didn’t come after me. Outside the ground was wet and mushy; by the looks of it had probably rained when I was sleeping. This time I slowed down because I couldn’t speed towards the storage room because I might slip.

It seemed to be hours before I managed to get across and opened the storage room door, “Rogue.” I called before I set my eyes on the room.

I didn’t immediately see him, maybe he was sleeping behind the boxes, I hurried towards them and pushed them aside but he was not there.

The only thing I could see was bloody bandages, which I distinctively remembered using to cover his wounds. Had he removed them? And where the hell was he?

“Rogue.” I called out again.

“Who is Rogue?” Steven voice sounded behind me.

I turned around in shock, my heart racing. The minute I saw Steven I shuddered, did he have Rogue? did he have my Rogue locked up in some god forsaken lab, I swallowed the bile that had risen in my throat, no I refused to believe it.

“What.” I said trying to play dumb.

Steven advanced towards me and then said through his teeth, “I asked who the hell Rogue is.”

“It’s a cat that I found in the woods yesterday.” I lied, my hands had started to tremble, I slid them in the pocket of my jeans so that Steven wouldn’t notice them.

“And let me guess those bloody bandages laying a few steps away from you belong to this cat which I presume is injured.” He hissed at me.

I nodded slowly, wherever Rogue was I prayed he remained there because if he came back and Steven saw him terrible things would happen.

“Liar.” Steven spat at me and whistled, immediately, ten people walked into the room, they were all men and they had this air about them that said they were inhuman, these were the kinds of people who were capable of killing their own mother or torturing their fellow human being.

I tried to back away and escape the room but Steven grabbed my left arm and squeezed it painfully, I whimpered in pain.

“Please I don’t know anything.” I begged but Steven ignored me.

“Search behind those boxes it must be hiding here somewhere.” Steven ordered and immediately the men attacked the boxes shifting them apart searching for Rogue.

My heart fell into my stomach, was Rogue behind those boxes I wondered, was he hiding for his dear life, tears dripped down my face and it had nothing to do with the pressure Steven was Putting on my arm, I was just scared that they might find Rogue and hurt him.

“Whatever that was here it’s long gone.” One of the men that were searching said a few minutes after they had scattered the boxes everywhere and found nothing. “But we found some bloody sheets at the back though.” He added.

Steven nodded silently and then said, “Lock the door.” He ordered.

My eyes opened wide in shock, why the hell was he locking us in this room, “W-what d-do y-y-you t-think you’re d-doing?” I managed to say in between sobs.

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