Levi paused the recording , leaned down and jerked his knee into my crotch as I gasped , his mouth lowered to my right ear as he whispered to me in a raspy tone.

"Call his name . Now"

In a split second he flipped us over as my face was in the carpet and both my hands twisted behind my back with one of his hands as the other held my arched back up to his crotch, positioning us.

I immediately shrieked for help .


There was a moment of silence before the door begin banging louder and louder as the door knob kept jerking violently


"Long time , eyebrows"

Levi responded in a deep tone before holding a hand to my mouth to muffle me once more as my body shivered from the way he brushed up against me


Erwin said between breaths as the banging softened and doorknob stopped

I looked to Levi with utter fear , his next step was unpredictable and his behaviour was so erratic

"I know you missed me blondie, it seems Eren did as well but I've been quite busy with trying to rid your imprint on him "

He let go of my mouth as I took it as an opportunity to cry out not realising he did that deliberately

"ERWIN PLEASE HELP ME , G-Get me out "

"I'm calling the cops"

We heard dialling before Levi burst out laughing.

"You wanna go down so soon Erwin ?"

My heart dropped

Don't tell me


Erwin growled

"You call those cops and the second they step foot in this house I'll have them arrest you for your affair with one of your students as a grown man"

Erwin banged across the door violently , this was the angriest I've ever seen him


"There's an extra under the doormat, twist twice to the right and push "

My heart sunk as I witnessed as the words left Levi's mouth the door immediately doing open as it was shut behind Erwin with rolled up sleeves as he froze for a second in the doorway , all our eyes locking

Immediately my face was pushed down as Levi thrusted against me and I whinced out

"How's my form?"

He asked with a smug tint in his tone as he rolled his hips against me and I heard Erwin audibly growl and grunt as if he was frothing at his mouth.

"Levi stop , get off of him"

"It's exactly how you used to have me Blondie , ass up , looking like no face "

Erwin immediately huffed as I heard loud footsteps not before a single audible phone click as the audio played

Your hands across my body
Pause , rewind
Your hands across my body
Pause , rewind
Your hands across my body
Pause , rewind


The footsteps stopped as I didn't see it but I just knew Erwin froze in his tracks as his voice trembled with anger as if he was holding back from a bloody filled rage.

"Y-you bastard"

"The one and only , now take 5 steps the fuck back and lock the door like a good boy "

Levi instructed Erwin as I hard a pause , steps and a click

"Good boy"

Levi condescendingly praised

"Phone on the floor , slide it to me "

Levi instructed as Erwin scoffed

" you're out of your fucking mind-"

Erwin stopped mid sentence as I felt my hands pulled down to my knees and my cheeks became flushed from embrrasement as I realised Levi was the one to pull them down as he strengthened his grip around my waist and arm as I struggled and wriggled

"L-LEVI G-get off of me"


"Phone on the floor"

He trailed his hands along my inner thighs as Erwin watched him and I looked to Erwin with tear swelling eyes

"L-Levi n-no"

I felt his hands slide more up
As eventually they both dipped in towards my dic-

I heard a thud and a sliding sound against the wooden floor as Erwin's phone screen brightened next to my face , the time on display

Levi immediately leaned over me to retrieve it before hoisting his arm back and thrashing it against the lounge floor as it broke to pieces.

Erwin took a frustrated sigh

"Now let go of him Ackerman "

I sniffled as tears fell down into a little pool on the floor , Levi panting erratically as I felt his hands grip into my thighs.

"Now tell us both eyebrows "

Levi hoisted my head up with one of his hands as the other scratched underneath the sofa as if searching for something

My eyes looking to Erwin with a look of desperation as I wanted him to somehow just get us out of this situation

We locked eyes as he looked to me with a look of guilt once more , I could see he wanted out as well.

Both our eyes widened in sync as our pupils dilated once we heard that godawful sound

The singular sound to change course of what was to happen tonight

The singular sound that made me realise just how ducking crazy Levi is

The singular sound kissing our freedom goodbye on her lips as she drives out the driveway

A click



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