Episode 3

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Episode 3
"Someone who's decent unlike you, that's for sure. "


AERA LAID NEXT to her sister in her room. The past previous days had been chaotic and too much to handle.

She ended up not attending for the first day attending Cheonga Highschool for the admission performance because of her sister, and Min Seol A. She hadn't seen the latter lately and she was worried.

After the night Aera had rescued her from the fire, they became friends. Aera would sometime helped Min Seol A with her work, and Min Seol A would invite her to her apartment and together played with Sugar, Min Seol A's adorable puppy.

Before her disappearance, Min Seol A had texted her what had happened during the first day, how Ms. Cheon had wanted Min Seol A to leave the school. Aera instantly regret not going, knowing something bad might've happened.

Min Seol A had become someone close to her, and Aera was happy to have another friend to accompany her along the way. She doesn't know what she would do if something were to happen to the girl.


The said girl only hummed in response.

"Why didn't you go to Cheong A today? You got in.. Why did you stay?" Rona asked.

Aera sighed. "You didn't get in, that's why. I only did it for you." She told the girl.

"I'm holding you back, though. You should leave me when you still have the chance."

"Even if I did, it's not fair." she stated. "You wanted to go to this school because of yours dreams. I only wanted to go because of you. If the one who deserve this opportunity, is you."

"But I failed." Rona sighed.

"You didn't failed. You're number 1-"

"in the waiting list." The older sister interrupted. Earning a playful glare from the youngster.

"Exactly. You're number one. That means, you could've been number one on the acceptance list." Aera corrected. "No matter what list you ended up, you'll always be number one."

"You really think so?" Rona glanced at her sister.

She smiled and nodded. "I know so."

There was another reason why she didn't go.

It was because of the teenagers that Aera had seen that night harassing Min Seol A. Turns out, they were known as the Hera Palace kids; the Joo twins, Lee Minhyuk, Yoo Jeni and Ha Eunbyeol.

She had already know how they looked like after she had followed Rona to Cheon Seojin's apartment. The older sibling ended up creating a mess and hurt herself as she had claimed that Ha Eunbyeol had cheated her way into the school because of tied relatives. Which reminded her of how similar Ha Eunbyeol was with her own mother.

Then there's Joo Seokkyung. Beautiful yet intimidating. The girl seemed to be the leader of the little Hera club from how high she carried herself. Aera didn't missed how the girl had looked at her up and down curiously and scowled. Whatever her problem was, Aera doesn't want to know.

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