A date?

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Scara had finished making food and was now sitting down beside you. You started to look up and tell him everything you got your hands on, how their family was, jobs, lovers, everything. When you were done talking Scara was laying on your shoulder eating one of the snacks he made. You reached out and grabbed one to eat 

"So what do you think of them?"
"They sound disgusting, harassing girls no matter age, picking on everyone and making their life a living hell, fighting everyone and often making the other party leave for the school nurse or sometimes hospital" he scoffs
"Bunch of sick fucks"
"Completely agree, I was thinking of making a plan and making sure all the girls know this info. You in Scara?"
"Is that even a question? Of course I am"

You both started on a plan and soon realized they needed to get back as they didn't want to be late for their next lesson. When they arrived back at the school they got their books and said one last goodbye.

"We'll go to the principal after school, I'll see you after class"
"See ya shortie!" You say while snickering and walking away. He just looks irritated but goes to his classroom.

After school was doen you made your way to the principals office, chatting to eachother as you reached the door. Scara knocked on the door.

"come in"

"what brings me the pleasure of seeing you two here" he said while looking at some papers.

"We would like to host a meeting with the girls tomorrow sometime during school" you answered walking a bit closer to him. 

"And why would you want that?"

"We have done some research on the new students and just wanted to make sure they knew what to do if anything happened"

"Very well, I'll send an email to the teachers so that they can tell their female students to go to the gym after lunch"

"But" he said sternly, now looking at you.

"I expect you two to be on your best behaviour the entire day tomorrow"

"of course we will, this meetings means a lot to us" Scara said who had been quiet this entire time.

"Alright, if that was all please leave my office"

"of course MR. Principal, thank you!" you said while dragging Scara out of the room.

"Alright so, still up for the sleepover?"

"of course, it's been a while since I saw your mother"

You and Scara started to walk towards his house. It was more like a mansion than a house but neither of you cared about price or size, it was a house and that was good enough. It was a little bit to his house and your  legs had started to get tired from carrying all of the books you got from school.  

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, my legs are just tired from walking and carrying so much"

"Here let me take some"

He said as he took most of your bags. Even if he was short he was still very well built and strong. You smiled warmly at him and then you continued walking. 10 minutes later you arrive at his house and open the door.

"Ah welcome back home sweetie, who's that behind you?"

You walked past Scara and showed yourself.

"Y/N!! It's been so long since I last saw you, how are you?" she ran up to you and hugged you, you hugging back. Scara caried up your bag as you two talked.

"Im good thank you, everythings going well with school and with Scara so I'm happy"

"I'm happy to hear, let's go into the kitchen since I'm cooking dinner at the moment" she then led you to the kitchen where you continued to talk.

Ms. And Mr troublemaker | Scaramouche x readerWhere stories live. Discover now