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Selina's POV

Pain. Pain has become my constant companion for most of my life. Physical pain, I have gotten used to. Emotional pain. . .well i have grown numb to emotions. Very few can get me to express any real emotion other than anger. I can't even remember the last time I laughed or even smiled for real. I usually have either a blank face or a practiced smile that seems to annoy my tormentors. If you lived the life I have, you too would have very few emotions left. Let me explain.

My name is Selina Lahey. I'm a 17yr old werewolf. I will be turning 18 in two weeks. I am the oldest daughter of the Gammas of the Celeste Moon Pack. Technically. Not that it carries much weight, I'm still beaten, tortured, and starved on a regular bases. But I'm okay with that because better me than my younger siblings.

You see, I am one of seven children. Big family, I know. In order of age, they are Andres (24), Percival (23), Solara (my twin, figure it out), Nyx (15 going on 16), Rowena (14), Seraphina (9). Now here is something you need to know. Percival, Nyx, and Seraphina are not my mother's children. They are the results of affairs Ezekiel Lahey has had throughout the years. Hell with the amount of sleeping around he does, I'm surprised there aren't more.

My mother, Araiya Lahey, knows about them. I mean, it's kind of hard not to when children you didn't give birth to keep popping up on your doorstep. And then there is the matebond and all. But she has given up on him loving her. Instead, she turned to drinking and trying to take her anger out on the source of her pain and humiliation. But I focus her anger on me. I'll tell you why in a bit so bare with me.

The matebond I mentioned before is what they call the connection between two, or more souls gifted by the Moon Goddess. It literally bonds you and your wolf, if you are a werewolf, to the one(s) you're destined to be with. You are able to feel the matebond when you turn eighteen. Once you meet and have completed the mating process, you can feel their emotions, pain, and if so unfortunate their death. And should your mate cheat on you, like Ezekiel, you suffer excrutiating pain. Which I don't find fair, but I don't make the rules. I think it has gotten to the point that my mother is numb to the pain. Gee, I wonder what that is like.

The matebond can be rejected. However, it is highly frowned upon. Some people think is disrespectful to the Moon Goddess. I'm not one of the people. Some times the Moon Goddess makes mistakes. My "parents" are a prime example. To some it is a gift. To others it is a curse.

Well if your father is such a cheating bastard, why doesn't she just reject him you may ask. First, that jackass is not my father. Second, it's because my grandparents one of those kind of people that believe it's disrespectful to reject the Moon Goddess' gift. Plus they didn't want to deal with the scandal it would have caused. They care more about their reputation than their daughter's happiness. Not to mention, they like the status of being related to the Gamma. Even if it is from another pack. Also when Mother first found out about Ezekiel cheating, Andres was one. Ezekiel said if she ever tried to leave him she would never see Andres again. Not gonna lie the man is kind of a dick to put it nicely. Not that my mother is winning any awards for best parent.

Andres and Solara are the pride and joys of the 'family', and they know it. The arrogant bastards. Strutting around like they're better than the rest of us. While the rest of us are either treated like we don't exist or for target practice.

Poor Percival got the worst of it. Despite being of Gamma blood, he wasn't very dominant. He despised fighting and preferred a more creative outlet. My brother loved to bake and he was very good at it. He wanted to own his own bakery. But our father saw his dream as weak and pathetic. He would force Percival to train, and if he lost a fight Ezekiel would beat him. Things got a lot worse when Ezekiel found out that Percival was gay. The beatings were worse than before. I remember the wounds I treated, before I became old enough to take some of the beatings for him.

Together we tried to protect the younger ones as best we could. And when I say younger ones assume that Solara is not included. No way am I claiming that bitch as my sibling. They say you can't pick your family. That may be true, but you can pick whether or not you acknowledge them as such.

Luckily for Percival, he found his mate when he turned eighteen, and he seems to be a decent guy. His name is Randy Winston. He was a nineteen year old medical student, who was visiting with his pack. So, Percival left and never looked back. He didn't even say goodbye. Not that I blame him for leaving. I would too if I could, but then who would take care of the younger ones. He still could've at least said goodbye. Or respond to my letters, since he changed his number.

So that is the introduction to my messed up life and dysfunctional family.
Oh, I almost forgot. I was supposed to tell you why I focus everyone's anger on me. Well, it's because I can heal faster than my siblings. Thanks to my wolf, Alona. I don't know how i would survive without her.

Everyone thinks I don't have a wolf because I don't shift, nor did I shift at sixteen. Which is the typical age a werewolf shifts for the first time. That made me even more of an outcast, not that i care.

Well, Selina, how do you have a wolf if you didn't shift, you may ask. That's not what I said. I said I didnt shift for the first time at sixteen.

I first shifted when I was twelve. I am what is known as a Marked Wolf. . .

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