Main Characters Introduction

Start from the beginning

While not as intelligent as Shiro in calculations, she is shown to have a brilliant super-genius IQ and an eidetic memory which enables her to quickly learn, understand and easily recall limitless amounts of information perfectly and rapidly. This is demonstrated during her card game with Reo(One of the founding members of Millefiore).

Rather than computing numbers like Shiro, Y/N can quickly determine what her opponents are going to do based on observation of their behavior and motivations, a technique called "cold reading".

Her amazing observational and deductive skills help her come up with complex plans quickly and efficiently. She was even able to learn to read Chinese in just about one hour slower than his sister.



While brilliant, Y/N is not nearly as intelligent as her brother when it comes to calculation-based games and through her own admission, can't play games such as a match of chess against a high-level AI as effectively.

She also has trouble with crowds but is shown to be able to handle them when she is with her brother.

Her most significant weakness is his reliance on Shiro. If she is separated from him by so much as a door, she becomes a quivering, spineless coward.

(Just copy and fix some from Sora from NGNL)


One Of The Two Leaders of Millefiore and one of Blank

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One Of The Two Leaders of Millefiore and one of Blank

Name- L/N Shiro

Age- 11

Height- 5'1

Hair colour-White

Eye colour- Blue mixed with gray

Personality- Shiro is described as a genius in logic and problems but has difficulty understanding emotions or behavior, relying on Y/N to help her defeat beings with emotions such as Reo in their chess match. He also rarely shows much emotion at all and, despite his genius intellect, speaks in short, terse sentences and in a third-person perspective.

Shiro is a master of Chess and has won every chess game that he has played. He can speak 18 languages and learns Chinese language in under 15 minutes (while Y/N required an hour). He is also excellent with games and, along with his sister, is the best in more than 280 games.

Shiro is shown to have a dry and somewhat twisted sense of humor, displaying signs of jealousy if Y/N pays serious attention to other males, showing he has a sister complex. He is also shown to be very sarcastic when it comes to Reo, although he called him "just a friend".

Shiro is extremely close to his sister, to the point of requiring her to be by his side in order to function correctly. If Shiro is separated from Y/N by so much as a closed door, he becomes almost catatonic until she returns.

He is shown to be a little bit rough and competitive when it comes to games and tends to show-off for any reason possible for the game.

Shiro also has a slightly sadistic side to him, which he usually keeps hidden from Y/N.



Powers and Abilities: Genius Intelligence, Superhuman Reflexes, Expert Marksmanship, Masterful Analytical skills, Can calculate and predict an AI-controlled opponent's behavior, Perfect Memory, Master Strategist



Extreme Intellect: Shiro is shown to be a genius multiple times throughout the series, surpassing even a supercomputer. He possesses an eidetic memory and is able to recall a vast amount of information quickly and accurately. He claims that chess is merely a tic-tac-toe game and was able to learn Chinese in 15 minutes.

According to Y/N, he speaks 18 languages fluently and is able to predict movements and the bullet trajectories of his opponents. He is even able to figure out the mathematics behind the Kisaki plan and was able to successfully win with that info.



Unpredictability: When playing against a sentient being, Shiro can be thrown off and that is where Y/N will have to play for him as shown in their chess game against Reo and Tet.

Y/N: When Shiro and Y/N are apart for even a moment, they are reduced to a state of fright and often call each other's names and apologize for everything they've ever done. Y/N and Shiro facetime each other when they're forced to be separated from each other even if they're just a few feet away.

(Same here. Just copy and fix some)

Y/N and Shiro are just like Sora and Shiro from No Game No Life.

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