"I know, so will you get off! You're heavy!" You whine.

"Weak." He utters and gets off you.

You take a deep breath looking at the blue sky. Katsuki stares at you and sits beside you while the silence wraps around you two.

The beautiful birds sing their beautiful tune as the cool wind blows by.

"You." Katsuki starts as you turn your head at him. "You kinda throw a hard punch."

You smile and stare at the sky. "Thanks, you throw a really strong punch Kacchan. You'll be a great hero!"

"Of course, I will you dummy! Watch me! I will be the number one hero greater than All Might!"

You smile at him. "I will."


Katsuki grits his teeth and swings his fist at the machine while yelling die. The machine rings as he gets the highest score. A crowd watching him closely cheers for him as they recognize him from the sports festival.

"That's awesome man! Congrats man." Eijirou cheers playfully punching his shoulder.

Katsuki ignores everyone as his face remains to be stoic tucking his hand and then turning away.

Why do you keep crawling into my mind as if you were haunting me?

Like a piece of —

A familiar (h/c)-haired person catches the corner of his eye. He turns his head to see a female (h/c)-haired girl walking away. Without any hesitation, Katsuki sprints to catch the girl leaving Eijiro surprised by his sudden action. "Bakugou?!" He calls.

Katsuki ignored the confused redhead he left behind, he wanted to catch up with the (h/c)-haired girl.

It must be her- it has to be her!

"Hey!" He exclaims and grabs the girl's wrist.

He stops in his tracks when he sees the girl and turns around to see a different person.

"Do I know you?" The girl asks yanking her hand away.

Katsuki was frozen and loss for words as the girl rolled her eyes at him for wasting her time and then walked away. He felt embarrassed by the others who'd witnessed everything staring at him weirdly.

"Yo Bakugou!"

Katsuki turns his head to see Eijiro running up to him. "What was all that?" He asks.

"It's nothing," Katsuki replies.

"Are you sure? It seems important for you and you kinda ran off-"

"I said it's nothing alright, tch." He clicks his tongue and walks away.

Eijirou has known Katsuki for a while now and he has never seen him act impulsively for someone. He has a theory but he didn't want to pry into Katsuki's private life. "Hey man, I got a text that everyone is at a sushi place nearby." He says changing the subject.

"Tch, whatever." He mutters walking away as Eijirou follows him behind.

"Excuse me!"

Katsuki turns his head to glare at the person but it soon vanishes.

Are his eyes playing tricks on him?

He couldn't believe it after all those years of waiting for your return. You're finally standing right in front of him.

"Umm... you dropped your wallet when you ran off-"

Katsuki grips your wrists tightly not wanting to let go again-not ever.

"Bakugou?" Eijiro asks quietly unsure what to do.

He mutters under his breath. "I-I can't believe y-you're back..."

His heart is leaping with joy making his knees weak. He couldn't even be happier to see you back. Finally, he finds the peace that he is longing for a long time.

"Do I know I know you?"

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