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Hello my lovely readers!! Since I can't write a new chapter for Love/Hate at the moment I decided to publish this little one-shot I wrote a while ago, before I started Love/Hate. It's mostly domestic fluff and soft smut. Please enjoy! :) 💕💕

He’s sixteen the first time he sees you. It’s the very end of the summer holidays and he’s skulking around Uncle Bang’s house as you visit with your Grandpa Fujiwara.
He hears the greetings, the happy voices of people who haven’t seen each other in years, ringing out, watching, hiding behind the corner of the hallway.
“Ooh you were this high,” Bang levels his hand with his hunched hip, “when I last saw you [Your name]-chan!”
You turn and laugh, your face finally visible, your eyes bright, your laugh infectious. Garou can’t take his eyes off you.
“And how’s this old rascal of yours been keeping?” Bang nods in the direction of his old friend.
“You know, the same as always,” you smile, ignoring Grandpa’s heavily creased, thunderous eyes, his threatening fist to Bang.
“Who ya calling old, you old fart?!” He bellows at Bang.
“Grandpa, you ARE old,” you roll your laughing eyes.
“Come, come,” Bang ushers you two into the house while Garou slips silently out the back, missing his next words, inviting you two to stay tonight to watch the training and for dinner.

You’re seated politely at the back with Uncle Bang and Grandpa as Bang’s pupils file in, complete the customary greetings, bowing.
Garou sneaks a glance in your direction. There’s no mistake, your face is just as pretty as earlier today. He wouldn’t say he’s nervous but he starts to feel the blood pounding in his ears. Why are you here? And why are you watching?
Bang’s voice resounds authoritatively throughout this main training hall as he takes his students through their usual drills.
Grandpa Fujiwara, having trained with Bang a long, long…long time ago can’t keep quiet, pointing out the tiniest flaws, as if he’s some kind of grand master, in almost everyone in the room.
“Grandpa! Shh…!” You admonish him softly.
The drills become more complicated. The movements are not something you can understand but they look impressive to you all the same.
“Oh ho!!” Grandpa’s eyes light up as he scans the room. “That one!” He jabs his finger through the air, pointing right at Garou. “That boy, Bang,” he elbows the dojo master, “that boy is good! He’s going to go far. Mm,” he nods decisively.
Bang’s mustache bristles with contentment. Garou is indeed his star pupil, having perfected in just a few short years what takes others a decade. That boy will indeed go far as long as…Bang’s eyes cloud over... as long as Garou can keep that temper, fueled by that hopeless and yet defiant attitude that he’d hoped to have gotten out of him by now, under control .
Garou notices the old intruder stabbing his finger at him and he doesn’t like it. A scowl spreads across his face. What’s he saying? And is he saying it to you? He tries to concentrate harder on the movements so well etched into his muscle memory.
“Garou!” Bang barks. Garou steps forward, still scowling. “Hideki!” Another capable-looking young man, steps forward. They bow.
You’re taken aback. Are they going to fight? Really fight? You hope that this isn’t just for your and Grandpa’s sake. There’s no need to impress you, you’re already very dazzled by this martial showmanship.
“Begin!” Bang belows.
The match is not very long. In fact, it’s lightning fast, a blur of fists, high kicks, an impressive jump. Hideki is indeed very capable, but despite being older, he is no match for Garou who, you notice, seems to be the youngest here.
“Stop!” Bang calls out just as Garou is about to deliver the finishing blow. “This isn’t a fight to the death, boy!” he growls.
“Ho ho ho…!” Grandpa crows. “See, what did I tells you?! That boy…” he jabs his finger in Garou’s direction again.
“Grandpa!” you hiss, but you can’t take your eyes off Garou, his performance so extraordinary. You’ve never seen anyone move like that and so surely, so confidently! That is indeed one impressive young man.
He steps back in line, desperate to see if you’re looking at him but continues staring straight ahead like the well-trained martial artist he is, confused as to why he even cares what you think.

Misunderstanding (Garou x Reader lemon)Where stories live. Discover now