chapter 1 : weird guest

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"A new morning comes, one of hope! It's Natsuki Subaru's big dayyyyyy...!" Subaru stood up with excitement, striking a weird pose on the bed.

"Wait, what?! Why are you two here? I feel so much shame... please say something!"

Subaru didn't expect the twins to be in his room. He started blushing while trying to hide himself under his covers.

"Nee-sama Nee-sama, our guest seems completely lost."

"Rem Rem, he seems to have something wrong with his head."

The sisters spoke in perfect coordination.

"Guest? You're joking, right? It isn't very funny." Subaru responded, laughing lightly.

"Also, Ram aren't you a bit harsh with me! What do you mean I have something wro-"

In the middle of his sentence, Subaru cast his eyes down to his hands

"Huh... My injuries are... gone... why... why are they gone?"

A terrified look appeared on his face. He cast his gaze rapidly between the two maids, desperately seeking an explanation, but there was nothing. They didn't seem to be joking.

"Why... Why did I return?"

"Mister Guest, Mister Guest you look pale, are you okay?"

"Mister Guest, Mister Guest, does your tummy ache? Or did you lose control of your bladder?"

Subaru began to breathe heavily.

"Did you really forget me...? No one remembers me...?"

The sisters began to look at each other, each wearing a questioning expression.

"Mister Guest."

They both spoke simultaneously.

Subaru, unwilling to accept the reality he was confronted with, stumbled out of the bed and began moving unsteadily towards the door.

"Mister Guest, please move cautiously. You were severely injured-"

Subaru, unable to handle the loss of his fledgling relationships, fled from the room.


Ram watched the strange boy sprint out of the room, mildly shocked.

'What? Why did he just run out of the room?'

"Nee-sama, should I retrieve him?" Rem spoke with a determined tone, glaring daggers, or in her case, morning-stars, at the open door the boy had fled through. Ram could tell her sister had identified him as a potential threat, and spoke quickly to de-escalate the situation.

"No Rem. He has nowhere to go. I am sure he just feels confused- he was gravely injured yesterday. Rather, we should alert Emilia-sama- she may be able to help. I am sure she can calm him down."

Ram, fighting through the ever-present headache plaguing her, belatedly took note of something odd the boy had said.

'What was that about us not remembering him? He didn't look like he was lying, but more importantly, he knew my name... Did Emilia-sama tell him? When would she have done that? I should ask her to be sure.'

"As expected of Nee-sama. She always knows what to do."


"Emilia-sama, I am sorry to inform you that our guest escaped his room just after waking up. He seemed somewhat confused. I am hoping you can help us find him- I don't think he went too far. We would have pursued him, but he seemed disturbed by our presence. I don't believe he will listen to either Rem or myself. In his state, you are likely the only one he would listen to."

Ram spoke in a calm tone, explaining the situation to the half-elf her master was sponsoring for the throne.

"What? H-he escaped? How? Where..."

She watched the half-elf pause, distressed. Pathetic. She waited, patiently, for a proper response.

"Mmmhm... Of course. I will begin searching for him... I have to find him."

Emilia turned on her heels and headed for the door on the far side of the room, covering the substantial distance in mere moments.

"Emilia-sama. Before you go..."

Ram spoke up, attempting to get her attention.

'I should have lead with that. It is too early in the morning for me to be dealing with this.'

The half-elf stopped abruptly, tilting her head questioningly as she turned back towards maid, clearly in a hurry to locate their guest. Ram considered her words carefully. Despite being past noon, it was, indeed, far too early to be dealing with this.

"Did you tell our guest anything about the mansion? This might help us find him faster."

"Oh... no... I didn't have the occasion to talk to him much at all. He seemed to be looking for my insignia when I came across him in the loot house during my search. After he saved me from Elsa's attack, he barely had time to ask for my name before he collapsed from his wounds. It... was strange though. He was acting like he knew me already- he even knew Puck and called out to him to protect me. Truly a strange person... Anyway, sorry, but I must go looking for him! He was hurt saving me, I can't..."

Emilia spoke quickly, before trailing off and gliding out of the room. Despite moving as though she was walking, she nevertheless was out the door before Ram could blink. She had never heard someone speak that rapidly before. It would have been impressive, except the person in question was the half-elf, who was very much not impressive.

'Like he already knew you, huh? Is he some kind of spy from another camp? Or perhaps he is part of the Witch Cult? Rem told me he smells of the Witch's miasma, but... He doesn't seem like one of them. Despite his bizarre behavior, he seems too much of an idiot to be a cultist. he also leaked information far too easily to be any sort of spy. Who could such an imbecile be, then? Maybe...'

"Rem. Don't do anything to him. I will keep an eye on him- I have to make sure of something."

Ram spoke evenly, attempting to project confidence to her somewhat impulsive sister.

"But Nee-sam... No, you are right. I believe in Nee-sama. As expected of you, Nee-sama- you can do everything."

Ram couldn't help but feel as though this fool would bring nothing but trouble. It was, indeed, far too early for her to be dealing with this.


thank you for reading the chapter

"some guy" (its his name) helped me correct the grammar mistakes thank you for the help

anyway I waiting for your reviews (I read all of them it helps me improve ) thanks

too good of a timingHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin