childe slander bla bla chongyun stuck in a tree bla bla the usual yknow

Start from the beginning

kazuha is offline

aether: so

diluc: what.

ayaka: are you and thoma dating i forgot

diluc: are you and yoimiya dating i forgot

ayaka: touché

aether: they forgor

lumine: aether that meme is literally dead

aether: oh sorry

aether: i forgor

lumine: this is why you're single and your no one likes you

aether: you're one to talk

lumine: yeah wot eva r

aether: you type ugly

lumine: we type the exact same

diluc: i like you guys, you're funny

lumine: thank you diluc

aether:  thank you diluc

lumine: stop copying me bozo

aether: don't call me a bozo, bozo

diluc: do you guys need anything else?

venti: can i have more wine pls

diluc: no

kazuha is online

kazuha: guys i found him he was beating up someone it's fine

aether: oh

lumine: who was he beating up???

kazuha: childe i think idk

childe is online

childe: it wasn't me??? i'm alive and well

scaramouche is online

scaramouche: for now

childe is offline

diluc: ayaka where is thoma

ayaka: i'm not telling you

diluc: why not?

ayaka: cuz

diluc: because?

ayaka: ur mum

ayaka is offline

diluc: ...

diluc is offline

aether: why did she pull a ur mum joke on diluc

scaramouche: idk

kazuha is online

kazuha: hey scaramouche, i have to ask you something rq

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